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他自己的眼睛闪烁着狂乱的激情。His own eyes shone with a maniacal fervour.

吼叫,转圈,前冲和狂躁兴奋。Bellowing, circling, head pressing & maniacal excitement.

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没有比疯子更适合这些发癫的东西的名字了。A more fitting name could not be found for these maniacal beings.

我是个狂热的完美主义者,否则我就打造不出自己的公司。I'm a maniacal perfectionist. And if I weren't, I wouldn't have this company.

当你的双向抑郁症已经非常严重的时候,你不可能经常感到快乐。When you're in a maniacal state with bipolar, it's not like you're often happy.

我甚至都懒得去读希特勒的文章,我只是简单地喷射我认为十恶不赦的言辞。I didn't even bother to read up on Adolf, I simply spouted anything that I felt was evil or maniacal.

但菲尔费克斯太太佯称这狂笑声是格雷斯·普尔发出的,她是一个相当矮胖,不讨人喜欢的仆人。Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Grace Poole, a rather dumpy , unprepossessing servant.

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到处是骚动、兴奋、令人耳聋的疯狂的混乱,令人震惊的呼喊,却也有激怒的哑剧场面。Everywhere was tumult exultation deafening and maniacal bewilderment astounding noise yet furious dumb-show.

但是他却很少回电,而是一遍遍发疯似地重放电话录音。But Lennon rarely returns calls, instead, so the story goes, plays the tapes over and over with maniacal glee.

那位顾客如此大声、激动、疯子般的抗议着,旁观者还以为他神经不正常呢。The customer protested in such a loud, violent, and maniacal manner that onlookers thought he had lost his sanity.

在我眼里,他就是一个急不可耐的残杀孩子的凶手,还认为如果我们看到他的手,就会遇到大麻烦。I recognized him as a repressed maniacal child killer, and knew that if we ever saw his hands we'd be in big trouble.

心、肝之气易虚易实则引致郁与躁狂交替发作。The easy deficiency, suficiency of vital energy is heart and liver causes attack of despondent and maniacal symptoms.

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他就把沃尔兹的私人医生和他电影公司的助手叫了过来。His maniacal raving alarmed the butler, who called Woltz's personal physician and his second in command at the studio.

美国摄影师肖恩·弗林就是西贡记者团中的疯狂一员,他驾驶着摩托赛车,沉醉在毒品的迷雾中。American photographer Sean Flynn cut a maniacal figure among the Saigon press corps, racing a motorbike, living in a haze of narcotics.

中国无法漠视利比亚那些被疯狂的压迫者和白痴镇压的人民,主要因为关心石油。China couldn't careless for the people of Libya that are being suppressed by a maniacal oppressor and an imbecile. It's main concern is oil.

观众也都跟着。人群惊叫着散开了,小拉尔夫还在继续疯狂地咿呀唱着,用屁股弹跳着。People in the audience follow suit. The CROWD STAMPEDES , as Ralph, Jr. continues to perform his maniacal babbling and his buttock bouncing.

本组资料中,MRI诊断半月板损伤130个,14个膝关节外院行关节镜检查,12个证实有半月板撕裂。Infonnation in this group, MRI diagnosis of menisci injury 130, outside the hospital 14 knee arthroscopy line, has 12 confirmed maniacal tear.

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投下他的工具,好象他自己烧,年轻人为出口赛跑了,跟随由疯狂笑声的颠覆的声音。Dropping his tools as if he himself were burning up, the young man raced for the exit, followed by the gut-wrenching sound of maniacal laughter.

公平的说,这三个人都太年轻,在拉里·布朗的训练体制下无法展示自己的才华。In fairness, all three were preciously young at the time and ill-equipped to handle the maniacal mess that is Larry Brown under coaching duress.

他的胃会疯狂地割裂他猎物的身体,他的狂笑会淹没他们痛苦的悲鸣。Wails of agony echo in the distance, only to be drowned out by the Butcher's maniacal laughter as he severs their limp bodies with his great maw.