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祂都是全知的。That means he is omniscient.

他还装出一副无所不知的样子。And he pretends to be omniscient.

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这部小说有一个全知全能的叙述者。The novel has an omniscient narrator.

神既非全知亦非全能。Gods are neither omniscient nor omnipotent.

如果你以前做过这事儿,做到无所不知那是非常容易的。It’s easy to be omniscient when you’ve doneit all before.

没有明天也就意味着对于未来的全知全能。Means that there is no tomorrow for the future of the omniscient.

作为学者的助手,辞典方便、便宜,几乎无所不有。As a study aid, it is convenient, inexpensive and almost omniscient.

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要冒犯三个这般的全知存在,那前景让我神经兮兮。The prospect of offending three such omniscient beings made me nervous.

这里,佛陀指出了判断正法的标准。Here, the Omniscient Buddha points out the criterion of the true Dhamma.

你简直就是无所不知、无所不晓,实在太可怕了。You are absolutely omniscient and have no not Xiao, really too terrible.

要是理性的,你就会知道,全知全善全能的上帝是逻辑上不可能存在。Do you get it?You can't have free will and omniscient God at the same time.

但是技术团队通常都希望业务人员能回答所有问题。But the technical team usually expects the business people to be omniscient.

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半神在魔兽世界里属于不朽种族,但他们既非无所不知也非无所不能。Demigods in Warcraft are immortal, but they are neither omniscient nor omnipotent.

这曾经经历,缺乏自我,无所不知或知道是真实的自我。That ever-enduring, ego-less, omniscient Awareness or Knowingness is the True Self.

在一个极端,新古典经济学家认为“经济人”具有一种无所不知的理性。At one extreme, neoclassical economists attribute to ‘economic man’ an omniscient rationality.

超自然代表的好处是,它们往往是无所不知,无所不在的。And the other nice thing about supernatural agents is that they are often omniscient and omnipresent.

他们有太多人假设人们都是神话般的既高度理性又无所不知的人经济人。Too many assume that people behave like the mythical homo economicus, who is hyperrational and omniscient.

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“金融时代”和“经济学家”这两种无所不为的刊物发出了可怕的警报吗?还不太惹人注目。Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs, the"Financial Times"and the"Economist?Not so you'd notice.

这里全知的佛陀指出,如果没有这八项错误发生,这段大木头一定会到达大海。Here, the Omniscient Buddha points out that if there is not any of these eight faults, the log will reach the ocean.

不管你是遵纪守法的好公民还是偷税漏税的罪犯,你总会对收税人的无所不知而感到吃惊。Whether you're a law abiding citizen or a tax dodging criminal, there's something eerily omniscient about the taxman.