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它们开始僵化了。They begin to harden.

我只是沉下目光,冲他们嘶叫回去。I’d just harden my eyes and hiss back.

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这油漆需要几分钟才会变硬。The paint takes a few minutes to harden.

请别对我那么硬心肠。Please don't harden your heart against me.

他过去常到健身房锻炼,以使他的肌肉强健。He often went to the gym to harden his muscles.

同时哈登和威斯布鲁克都有点攻守不平衡。Meanwhile Harden and Westbrook slack in that area.

实际的结果就是双方壁垒更加分明。The practical result was to harden the battle lines.

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热既可熔化蜡,又可使粘土变硬。The same heat that melt the wax, will harden the clay.

极端情况下,受冻组织会变白并硬化。In extreme cases, the tissue will turn white and harden.

熔化之金属倒入模子中以冷却成形。Melted metal is poured into a mold to harden into shape.

在低温时易结晶、硬化。At low temperature, it is easy to crystallize and harden.

退火就是使淬火钢变软并消除其脆性。Anneal means make harden steel soft and remove brittleness.

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严格的规定甚至会使得反疫苗接种的态度变得强硬。And strict rules may even harden anti-vaccination attitudes.

这些矿物质形成了菌斑的结晶变硬的结构。These minerals form crystals and harden the plaque structure.

1999年创办了万思恒律师事务所,并担任主任至今。In 1999, he set up Harden & Wells and acted as Director till now.

稳定、坚固的塑胶原料制造,不容易折断。Steady and harden plastic material manufacture, not easy breaking.

用更大的劲儿,所以可以硬化漆层。Third, since more pressure is used, it tends to harden the finish.

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待反求的材料参数包括板材的塑性硬化参数和应变率参数。The unknown parameters included the plastic harden and strain rate.

你顶好拉紧主要的绳索,帆拉得不够紧!You'd better harden in the main ropes, the sail's not tight enough!

您是否已花功夫去加强操作系统和所有的组件?Have you taken care to harden the operating system and all components?