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他说话的腔调使我厌烦。His accent repels me.

他的口音很特别。He has a peculiar accent.

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我只在做汤时加味精。I only use Accent for soup.

她说法语的口音怎么样?How is her accent in French?

口音非常非常重,it's very, very strong accent

他说话带有很浓的威尔士口音。He had a thick foreign accent.

他说话带有很重的乡音。He speaks in his broad accent.

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笑声没有外国口音。Laughter has no foreign accent.

他略微有些山东口音。He has a slight Shandong accent.

他有很重的美国口音。He has a strong American accent.

他滑稽地模仿她的南方口音。He mimicked her southern accent.

他说话带有伦敦腔。He speaks with a cockney accent.

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中大西洋口音其实是一种美国化的标准发音。It is an Americanized RP accent.

外国口音的男子说话声。Man with foreign accent concurs.

她可能会有不一样的口音。She may have a different accent.

他说话带着美国英语口音。He spoke with an American accent.

诗人有时改变词的重音。A poet sometimes falsifies accent.

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她有很重的格拉斯哥口音。She has a strong Glaswegian accent.

他从来没有改过自己的口音。She has a strong Glaswegian accent.

他在强调军事准备的重要性。She has a strong Glaswegian accent.