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原版的”大法师”是史上最恐怖的一部电影。The original Exorcist is the scariest movies of all time.

如果召唤者不小心,便会被他所杀。If the Exorcist have not a care, he will slay both him and his fellows.

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在约翰福音中耶稣并不像,其他三本福音中那样是个驱魔者。Jesus is not an exorcist in the Gospel of John as he is in the other three Gospels.

如果他将指挥马匹拍到的乩童的请求,或任何其他东西。If commanded he will fetch Horses at the request of the Exorcist , or any other thing.

跟这一地区的许多其他人一样,山田也向驱魔师相泽观章寻求帮助。Yamada, like many other people in the area, turned to exorcist Kansho Aizawa for help.

我一哥们儿管他老丈母娘叫“驱魔者”,圣诞节她一来,家里鬼影子都不见一个。My mate calls his mother-in-law The Exorcist. Every Christmas she comes round and sees off the spirits.

作为驱魔人的你,用你引以为傲的弹弓和巫术去消灭在那院落中的鬼怪。Exorcist people as you, with your proud slingshot and sorcery to eliminate in the courtyard of the ghosts.

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他可以携带并重新进行男子非常迅速地从一个英国传播到另一个在将寓教于乐的驱魔人。He can carry and re-carry men very speedily from one Kingdom to another, at the Will and Pleasure of the Exorcist.

彼时上述那名就该离奇个体向我征询专业意见的天主教教士可是全美利坚合众国最富有经验的驱魔人,而且他非常博学与理智。The priest who had asked for my opinion of this bizarre case was the most experienced exorcist in the country at the time, an erudite and sensible man.

他的办公室是要发现问题的美德,鸟类和宝石,并作出相似,对各种鸟类飞行前驱魔人,唱歌,喝酒,因为天然鸟做的。His Office is to discover the Virtues of Birds and Precious Stones, and to make the Similitude of all kinds of Birds to fly before the Exorcist , singing and drinking as natural Birds do.