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今日你觉得怎么样?。How re you feeling tody?

她今天显得十分紧张。She seems very tense tody.

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就为了今天,我要快乐。Just for tody I will be happy.

今天我没可能去看他。I won't be ble to see him tody.

今天我一点也不快乐。Tody I don't feel happy at all.

我今天有许多家务事要做。I have so many chores to do tody.

先生,您今天想吃些什么?。Sir, wht would you like to hve tody?

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你今天怎么样啦?还发烧嘛?。How re you feeling tody? Hs the fever gone?

读书之于心灵,犹如锻炼之于身体。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the tody.

就为了今天,我会用三种方法磨练我的灵魂。Just for tody I will exercise my soule in three ways.

我下午去一家贸易公司面试了。I went to a trading company for interview on tody 's afternoon.

今天逛完公园,还剩了一点儿水。There is some water left in bottle when we Turn from park tody.

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但如果让他们来选择,没有人会愿意过以往的生活。Yet, given the choice, no one tody would prefer to live in ny other time.

认为对于今日之临床及实验研究仍有重要指导作用。The author thinks it will play an important role in tody a clinical practice and study.

现在越来越多的人熟悉到法制教育的重要性。Tody an increasing number of people have realized that law education is of great importance.

不仅如此,意大利还拥有世界上最优秀的足球明星,如马尔蒂尼、拖蒂等。Moreover, Italy also has the best football star in the world, for instance Maldini, Tody and so on.

不好意思,我暂时不能回去找你了。因为我今天有很多家务事要做。当然,我还得做作业。Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner. I have so many chores to do tody . I have to do my homework, of course.

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就为了今天,我会充实我自己,我要学习。学一些有用的,不做精神的流浪者。Just for tody I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something usefull. I will not be a mental loafer.

罐体上设有米洛板或迷宫式夹套,可通过加热或冷却介质来进行循环加热和冷却。On the tank tody install Milo board or labyrinth type clamp cover, which can contain heating or cooling medium to heat or cool cyclically.

建议采取措施,减少体内多余的脂肪和水份,增加去脂体重,提高肌肉质量。Therefore, suggestions were put forward in this paper to reduce excessive fat and water content in the body, increase lean tody weight, and improve muscle quality.