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陈阿四喜出望外。O Chen four bonus.

他们意外获得的发现呢?Their bonus discovery?

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他盼望着额外的奖励。He was expecting a bonus.

不要太过于依赖你的奖金。Don't live off your bonus.

我一分钱奖金也没拿到。I got bupkis for my bonus.

如果在7日内完成奖金。Bonus if done within 7-days.

今年您收到红包了吗?Have you received any bonus?

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重新添加更新健康奖金。Re-Added updated health bonus.

醒时空对烛花红。Space-time bonus of up candle.

随著奖金摺页和更多!With a bonus foldout and more!

你知道他刚拿到了红利。You know he just got his bonus.

他还好,但不足够好。He's OK, but no feel -good bonus.

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发放新年奖金的做法应重新实施。New Year bonus should be restored.

这笔奖金必须公平分配。The bonus must be dealt out fairly.

所有的在职员工都可以领到年终奖金。All employees can get year-end bonus.

他会很高兴地接受一份微薄的奖金。He'll be happy to get a paltry bonus.

得奖是一个额外的收获。Winning the prize was an added bonus.

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几乎没有人相信奖金制度。Almost nobody trusts the bonus system.

她为额外的奖金而雀跃不已。She was thrilled with the extra bonus.

还包括一个金岩崖模型文件。Also includes a bonus rocky cliff mesh.