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金德摩根将收购埃尔帕索公司。Kinder Morgan agreed to buy El Paso Corporation.

提早退休似乎比大范围的失业更加仁慈。Early retirement also seemed kinder than mass lay-offs.

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那时,没有一个人比罗斯?沃特福德对我更好。No one was kinder to me at that time than Rose Waterford.

我的胶靴令我更加勇敢友善、慷慨大方。My rubber boots make me braver and kinder and more generous.

如果,努力的伊朗人民能获得一位全新的总统和较仁慈的政体,应该堪称上天赐给他们的珍贵奖赏。A new president and a kinder regime in Iran would be a valuable prize.

卡麦隆着手重塑保守党的形象,使其更加友善和环保。Mr Cameron set out to rebrand the Tories as kinder and greener. It worked.

现在走进政府看看一个更好更温和的经济的方方面面。Now enter the government and the prospects of a kinder and gentler economy.

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相比之下,我们新的非基督徒朋友对我们要友善得多。Our new non-Christian friends were kinder to us than our fellow Christians.

当我微笑的时候我会感觉越来越好,微笑也帮助我对他人变得友好。I feel instantly better when I smile, and it helps me to be kinder to others as well.

一些选择不用解剖刀的学生认为我们对这些翼手的朋友也应该友善一些。Some students choosing to opt out feel we should be kinder to our web-footed friends.

对于比伯父更亲的人,马克思亦毫无慈心。He did not have any kinder feelings for those who were much nearer to him than his uncle.

这样的文明远没有田野里的原始让人亲切得舒服。Such civilization does not have in the field to let the human far be much kinder primitively.

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如果他仅仅说,能量与质量成比例,历史可能会对他更仁慈一些。If he had merely said that E is proportional to m, history would probably have been kinder to him.

古纳尔对小孩能学会控制自己的情绪,善待他人一直抱有乐观的态度。Gueldner is optimistic that kids can learn both to manage their emotions and to be kinder to others.

但对中国偏好高铁这样的大项目也有一种理解。But there is a kinder interpretation of China'sappetite for prestige projects such as high-speed rail.

你也可藉由提供他们协助他人的机会,来提升学生们较友善及温良的那一面。You can promote the kinder and gentler side of students by offering them opportunities to help others.

金德摩根将出售艾尔巴索公司的勘探和生产贸易以帮助支付购买资金。Kinder Morgan will sell off El Paso's exploration and production business to help pay for its purchase.

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稍好点的解释可能是,即使对于爱说话的坎贝尔先生,也没有什么可说的。A kinder interpretation may be that, even for the loquacious Mr Campbell, there is not much left to say.

詹天佑与在北京工作的老同学取得联系,作为实习T。程师加人了金德的队伍。Through connections with his old schoolmates working in Peking, Jeme joined Kinder as an intern engineer.

但是有些时候,可能,结束一个人的生命,才是更加仁慈与人道的。But I also think there are some cases, where it might actually be kinder and more humane to end a human life.