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弹球馆通过现金刺激计划受益是有历史先例。The filter-through of stimulus cash to the pachinko parlours has historical precedent.

帕金宫股票是接下来6个月中市场表现最好的一支股票。Pachinko stocks were the best-performing equities in the market over the following six months.

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打败通过一系列挑战999光谱弹球,柏青哥和大理石混乱的快感。Defeat the 999 spectra through a series of challenges thrill of pinball, pachinko and marble mayhem.

他们将帮助您确定您的现金,要放置到在线弹子机了。They will help you determine how much of your cash you want to put into the online Pachinko machine.

在2007年,帕金宫的盈利收入被认为已经超过了整个日本餐饮行业的总收入。In 2007, pachinko revenues are thought to have surpassed those of the entire Japanese restaurant industry.

钢球,弹子球,塑料球,陶瓷球,玻璃球的制造和销售。Manufacturing and sales of copper spheres , pachinko balls , plastic spheres , ceramic spheres and glass spheres.

玻璃缸是半空还是半满?这家夥赌弹球大获全胜或是打算花光毕生积蓄。Is the glass half empty or half full? This guy either won big at Pachinko or he's about to spend his life fortune.

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名资国际金融集团和日式弹球盘游乐机回收公司签署排他性协议,成为其金融顾问。MAS Capital Group Signed Exclusive Agreement with a Pachinko Machine Recycling Company to Act as Its Financial Advisor.

大多数资金来自在日本非常普遍的弹球盘赌博场所,这种赌博场所往往由朝鲜族人经营。Much of this money came from Japan’s ubiquitous pachinko parlours, gambling shops frequently operated by ethnic Koreans.

主题,像是名人八卦,最近的竞赛马的发展和小钢珠诀窍与我们的读者有相关通常不。Topics such as celebrity gossip, the latest horse-racing developments, and pachinko tips are generally not of interest to our readers.

最近在日本他们有电子的为玩小钢珠备置卡片,而且某人在那些之上断掉了密码备置卡片而且制造所有这些假造小钢珠牌。Recently in Japan they had electronic cards for playing pachinko , and somebody broke the code on those cards and made all these fake pachinko cards.

东京一家牛丼店和柏青哥店附近的窄街上,月冈彩展示她的服装设计新作,希望这些设计能纾解日本人对犯罪与日俱增的恐惧感。TOKYO – On a narrow Tokyo street, near a beef bowl restaurant and a pachinko parlor, Aya Tsukioka demonstrated new clothing designs that she hopes will ease Japan's growing fears of crime.

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博彩业的兴盛主要是因为他们处于法律灰色地带,弹球游戏的经营者尚未上市,然而,这个游戏机器的制造商却表现势头强劲。Largely because of the legal grey zone in which they thrive, pachinko parlour operators are not listed on the stock exchange. The producers of the machines, however, are tipped to perform strongly.