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受体激动剂是兽药的一种。Agonist is one kind of veterinary.

反向激动剂指一种新分类概念。Inverse agonist is a new type of classification.

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曲肘时,肱二头肌会收缩。When bending the elbow the biceps are the agonist.

共同收缩反映拮抗肌与主动肌肌间协调性。Co-contraction denotes the coordination between agonist and antagonist.

反向激动剂有良好的临床应用前景。Recent investigation suggested that inverse agonist has potential clinical application.

评价丙氨瑞林治疗子宫内膜异位症的效果和安全性。Purpose To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the GnRH agonist alarelin on endometriosis.

百泌达是FDA批准的治疗2型糖尿病的首个GLP-1受体激动剂药物。BYETTA is the first FDA-approved GLP-1 receptor agonist for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

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胺受体激动剂中可作为每日一次使用的辅助药物。Rotigotine is a non-ergolinic dopamine receptor agonist available as a patch for once-daily use.

因此,TLR7激动剂或可作为治疗慢性HBV感染的免疫治疗策略。Thus, the TLR7 agonist may be used for immunotherapeutic strategy to treat chronic HBV infection.

目的研究兴奋性氨基酸受体激动剂对雌性大鼠青春期启动的影响。Objective To observe the effect of excitatory amino acids receptor agonist on the onset of puberty in female rats.

在这方面最有效的是利用特效的受体阻滞药对抗特定激剂的作用。This is most effective if a specific receptor blocking agent is available to counter the effects of a given agonist.

然而,最近有些研究显示,促血管生成素-2即可以作为Tie-2受体激动剂,也可作为Tie-2受体拮抗物。However, recent reports indicate that angiopoietin-2 acts as agonist or antagonist to Tie2 in a context-dependent manner.

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激动剂是能够模拟天然配体分子的物质,在这里我给出了一些激动剂作为例子An agonist is a substance that mimics the action of a natural ligand, and I show you a couple of examples of agonists here.

给予选择性M2受体激动剂匹罗卡品,检测IP的变化,判断M2受体功能是否障碍。Give selective M2-receptor agonist pilocarpine and test IP of two groups, then analyze whether the M2 receptor dysfunction or not.

本实验的目的是评价罗格列酮在大鼠癫痫持续状态中的作用。In the present investigation we evaluated the effects of PPAR agonist rosiglitazone onto the hippocampus of status epilepticus rats.

结论京尼平苷具有与GLP-1受体激动剂类似的神经营养和神经保护功能。CONCLUSION Geniposide has the similar function as the agonist for GLP-1 receptor, including neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects.

阻抗法血小板聚集试验是测定置于激活剂诱导聚集的血小板悬液两侧电极间的阻抗。Impedance aggregometry measures the change in electrical impedance between two electrodes when platelets are aggregated by an agonist.

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抑虫肼是一种新颖昆虫蜕皮加速剂。它对鳞翅目害虫高度有效,是一种既安全又有选择性的蜕皮激素杀虫剂。Yichongjing is a novel insecticide , it is highly specific to lepidopterous insects and acts as a safe and selective ecdysone agonist.

已经证明如果向人体中引入阿多巴,它就能通过生化过程转化为多巴胺,发挥激动剂作用It turns out when you give Aldopa to people, it gets converted biochemically into natural dopamine which then serves as its own agonist.

荟萃分析表明相当大比例的患者停止应用多巴胺受体激动药后高催乳素血症会复发。This meta-analysis showed that hyperprolactinemia will recur after dopamine agonist withdrawal in a considerable proportion of patients.