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米歇尔和卡拉坐在同一个沙发上。Michelle and Carla share a settee.

“为什么要我去?”卡拉嗫嚅道。"Why do I have to go" whined Carla.

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我希望你以满足哥伦比亚超级模型卡拉奥萨。I would like you to meet Columbian super model Carla Ossa.

卡拉现在进入的不仅仅是一个癌症病房,而是一个癌患世界。Carla now enters not just a cancer ward but a cancer world.

卡拉一天早上醒来,感觉有点不对劲。Carla wakes up one morning feeling that something is wrong.

尼古拉斯和卡拉非常恩爱,还想要个孩子。Nicolas and Carla are very much in love. They want a child.

进入卡拉夫拉火山区,则进入了另一个世界。Enter Carla Randolph, then pull volcanic entered another world.

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在卡拉与披素的婚礼上,赛楠蓬挺着大肚子前来刁难讽刺卡拉。In kara and wedding, nan peng belly belly to spite irony Carla.

布吕尼出生在意大利,7岁的时候,她才搬到了法国。Carla Bruni was born in Italy but moved to France when she was 7.

在过去一年的时间里,卡拉‧摩尔利用午餐时间瘦了一百磅。Over the course of a year, Carla Moore lost 100 pounds at lunchtime.

此后,卡拉•弗莱彻在3月出任特别活动协调员。Then Carla Fletcher took over as special events coordinator in March.

瓦斯康赛络丝住在摩纳哥,据说和法国总统夫人卡拉?Wasi Kang Siro wire live in Monaco, said the French president's wife Carla?

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卡拉抬起头,松散的头发像一篷乱草。Carla looked up from her desk, her hair hanging like a matted displaced doll.

卡拉然后她的范围扩大到包括高速游泳和花样游泳。Carla then expanded her scope to include speed swimming and synchronized swimming.

Galliano曾为戴安娜王妃和法国第一夫人设计过衣服。Galliano has made dresses for Princess Diana and France's first lady, Carla Bruni.

萨科奇总统于去年与名模兼歌手卡拉•布吕尼结婚,这是他的第三次婚姻。Sarkozy married supermodel-turned-singer Carla Bruni last year, his third marriage.

同时许多报导说,他迷人的妻子卡拉.布鲁尼.萨科齐怀孕了。And there are a slew of reports that his glamorous wife, Carla Bruni Sarkozy, is pregnant.

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但是在这儿,Carla是在说,Trent的注意很妙,是这一天最好的点子。But here, Carla is saying that Trent has come up with a good idea, the best idea of the day.

就在昨天,似乎萨科齐和卡拉在伦敦开始了崭新的协约国友谊。And only yesterday, it seems, Sarko and Carla were in London launching the new entente amicale.

在罗斯特海岸酿酒厂工作的卡拉·巴斯克斯说,周四的场景则全然不同。The scene was completely different Thursday, said Carla Basquez, who works at Lost Coast Brewery.