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一些地区将面临更为严重的定量配给。Some regions will face more than mere rationing.

他们采取严格的配给措施以延长储油的使用时间。They eked out the oil stores by strict rationing.

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何东西实施配给就会造成价格扭曲。Rationing anything creates distortions in the price.

今年冬天可能定量配给食物。There may be a period of food rationing this winter.

那个国家早就取消了粮食配给制。Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.

她妈妈曾说,这路让她想起了战时的定额配给。His mother had said it reminded her of wartime rationing."Which

信贷配给对经济体中的各行各业都有潜在影响。Credit rationing has implications for all sectors of the economy.

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战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺。Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.

中国的信贷配给造成了资本价格的扭曲。China's credit rationing creates distortions in the price of capital.

我们可以按不同的价位及客人要求来配货。We can according to different requirements of price and rationing guests.

人们预计食品将定量供应所以买进大量罐头食品。People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing.

我公司是直接与海内外经销商配货。Our company is directly related to domestic and overseas dealers rationing.

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目前PTA市场的利空因素仍是美元指数和限电压力。Current PTA market bad factors remains the dollar index and power rationing pressure.

最近汽油配给后的暴动可能是伊朗将有更大的麻烦的迹象。Recent riots that followed gasoline rationing may be a sign of bigger troubles to come.

这样导致定量配给和加油站前面排着长长的队伍,阻碍了货物的运输。That has led to rationing and long lines at filling stations, disrupting cargo shipments.

2007年,当政府决定开始定量配给汽油时就发生过暴动。In 2007, there were riots when the government decided to begin rationing subsidised petrol.

侵袭我国多个地区的寒潮已导致部分省份拉闸限电。A cold wave sweeping across large swathes of China has forced power rationing in some provinces.

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今天,在按指标分配融资之际,一个非正式的信贷市场繁荣起来。Today, with quotas rationing access to finance, there is a flourishing informal market in credit.

虽然战后实行定量配给制,但这个时代的特点就是公共热情和对未来抱有希望。Post-war rationing continued, but the era was marked by public enthusiasm and hope for the future.

财政机关参与第二类型信用定量供应守卫免受投保人不可靠所冒风险。Financial institutions engage in the second type of credit rationing to guard against moral hazard.