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到干洗店去?A trip to the dry cleaners?

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上罗拉清洁器包的绒布不当。Improperly clothed top roller cleaners.

请把我的衣服从干洗店那里拿来。Please get my suit back from the cleaners.

这个城市的清洁工按小时计酬。Cleaners in this city get paid by the hour.

地板擦由优质材料制成。The cleaners are made from good quality material.

耐化学性,酸性或腐蚀性清洁剂。Chemical resistance to acidic or caustic cleaners.

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10个最好的免费注册表清洁器。Read about the 10 best and free registry cleaners.

有些泵和所有的真空吸尘器都是藉吸力工作的。Some pumps and all vacuum cleaners work by suction.

上罗拉清洁器隔距不正确或破损。Incorrect setting of top roller cleaners, or worn cleaners.

那帮家伙合伙欺负他,结果让他输的精光。The guys ganged up on him and they took him to the cleaners.

想像两台高吸力真空吸尘器夹在你的背上是什么感觉。Imagine two high-suction vacuum cleaners clamped onto your back.

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大多数水碱或水垢清除剂只是酸性清除剂而已。Most hard water or lime scale removers are only acidic cleaners.

有的干洗店碰到白色衣物,干脆不接活。Some dry cleaners met white clothing, simply not pick up to live.

有很少有有毒刷油漆稀释剂和清洁剂的需求。There's rarely a need for toxic paint thinners and brush cleaners.

使用像柠檬和小苏打这样的天然清洁剂。Use natural cleaners whenever possible like lemons and baking soda.

自助洗衣店或“洗衣店”在大多数美国城市属萎缩一族。Laundromats or "cleaners" are a dying breed in most American cities.

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浴室清洁剂的气味非要搞得弄浓烈的让人窒息吗?Do bathroom cleaners need to be so harsh that the fumes make me choke?

在东京,窗户清洁工们打扮成了中国十二生肖的模样。In Tokyo window cleaners dress up as the animals of the Chinese zodiac.

今时今日,在巴西销售的吸尘机外型也要更加美观。Today, in Brazil, sales of vacuum cleaners have to look more beautiful.