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他们实际上要的是法西斯主义的一党专政。What they really want is a one-party fascist dictatorship.

该声明督促现当局停止法西斯的压迫统治。It urged the authorities to stop the fascist oppressive rule.

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这对日本法西斯的败亡起着根本作用。This suffers a defeat and flees the basic function to the Japanese Fascist.

香烟似乎是法西斯潮人们的必备。Cigarettes seemed to have been an ever-present prop of the fascist fashionista.

上帝拯救女王法西斯政权他们把你变成一个笨蛋一颗潜在的氢弹!God save the queen the fascist regime they made you a moron a potential H-bomb !

墨索里尼企图复兴法西斯党,这就使意大利陷入了内战的恐怖之中。Mussolini 's bid for a Fascist revival plunged Italy into the horrors of civil war.

几个月来,他们希望推翻法西斯党的领袖,结束法西斯政权。For months they had been hoping to overthrow the Duce and put an end to the Fascist regime.

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直到二次世界大战末意大利法西斯政府的垮台,利比亚一直是意大利的殖民地。Until World War II with the fall of fascist government in Italy, Libia was a colony of Italy.

要了解朝鲜,不要去看孔子或苏联,但要翻一翻30年代的法西斯日本史。To understand North Korea, look not to Confucius or the Soviet Union, but to fascist 1930s Japan.

可我们这里依然有那么多的人相信法西斯的那一套宣传兵役法。But we are still here, there are so many people believe that a fascist propaganda military service.

他生在一个犹太人家庭,1938年为了躲避意大利法西斯搬到法国。He was born into a Jewish family. He moved to France in 1938 to escape Italy's fascist racial laws.

日本皇家陆军,充满鲁莽的法西斯军国主义的意识,试图征服广阔的中国。Japan’s Imperial Army, imbued with reckless fascist militarism, sought to conquer all of vast China.

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执政党人民运动联盟主席柏川德称Mediapart为「使用法西斯手段的网站」。Xavier Bertrand, leader of the ruling UMP party, called Mediapart "a site that uses fascist methods."

最著名的华沙起事是犹太人悻然抵抗纳粹的一个辉煌例证。That the most famous Warsaw revolts is that Jew fights against a brilliant example of fascist in anger.

二战后,在德国的盟军最艰巨的一项任务是从教科书里删除法西斯主义教条。After WWII, for allies in Germany, one of the toughest job was expurgating fascist dogma from textbooks.

墨索里尼曾狂言道要把法西斯意大利建成第二个罗马帝国。Benito Mussolini talked with blustering grandiosity of building Fascist Italy into a second Roman Empire.

这让他感到失望本读者,皮兰德罗是谁加入殷切法西斯党在1923年。Much to the dismay of his present readers, Pirandello was an ardent fascist who joined the party in 1923.

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这些足见日本法西斯军国主义的狼子野心和颠倒是非。All these indicate the wild ambition of Japanese Fascist militarism arid the confusion of right and wrong.

在瑞典,法西斯主义是一个存在争议的问题,大家熟知法西斯组织攻击对他们进行采访的记者。Fascism is a live issue in Sweden, and fascist groups have been known to attack reporters who investigate them.

在莫斯科城下,法西斯匪徒遭受了他们自二战开始以来第一次战略性失败。At Moscow, the Fascist gangsters suffered their first strategic defeat since the beginning of the Second World War.