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我已经充满从费尔班克斯向普拉德霍湾约12个小时。I had ridden from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay in about 12 hours.

而费正清夫妇的出现,给她的生活增添了新的色彩。But the appearance of the Fairbanks brought extra color to her life.

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国家科学基金会最近又在费尔班克斯北部建立了波克尔台地研究靶场。The NSF recently built the Poker Flat Research Range north of Fairbanks.

道格拉斯·范朋克的父亲职业是犹太人的律师。他在百老汇的演出取得了巨大成功,成了全民心中的明星男孩。The handsome son of a Jewish lawyer, Fairbanks achieved success as the ideal, all-American boy on Broadway.

1915年,阿拉斯加铁路开始建设,在苏厄德和费尔班克斯之间铺设铁路的建设营地扎在这里,安克雷奇这时才开始有人生活。Anchorage started life in 1915 as the main construction camp on the Alaska railroad between Seward and Fairbanks.

一名用冻土层专家,同样来自位于费尔班克斯的阿拉斯加大学,称研究令人担忧。Vladimir Romanovsky, a permafrost expert also at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks , says the study is worrying.

但是莫格莱尼被削弱了,已经消毫了太多的力气来抗击埋伏的敌人,而且他的副官大检察官法尔班克斯已经被击倒。But Mograine was weakened, having expended much of his energy to combat the ambush, and his aide High Inquisitor Fairbanks had already fallen.

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萧伯纳、罗素、卓别林、道格拉斯。费尔班克斯、玛丽。匹克福德均曾走过外滩,在和平饭店――当时的中国饭店里饮酒。Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell, Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford all walked the Bund and drank in the Peace, then the Cathay, Hotel.

他也是一个祖先威廉霍华德塔夫脱,副总统查尔斯W费尔班克斯和父亲和儿子戈弗诺佛蒙特州伊拉斯塔斯费尔班克斯和霍勒斯。Heis also an ancestor of William Howard Taft, Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks and the father and son Governors of Vermont Erastus Fairbanksand Horace Fairbanks.

费尔班克斯有时会发现不同寻常的结晶类型,因为那里非常冷。而在较为温暖的气候中,比如纽约州或邻近地区,就不太会出现好看的结晶。Fairbanks sometimes offers some unusual crystal types, because it's so cold,Warmer climates, for example, in New York State and the vicinity, tend to produce less spectacular crystals.

设在阿拉斯加大学,位于费尔班克斯的北美博物馆于这周宣称,由于当时汤加斯国家森林的海岸边的潮汐的水位极低,这块化石便被发现了。The discovery of the fossil, found during an extreme low tide along the shore of the Tongass National Forest, was announced this week by the Museum of the North at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.