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他已放弃佛教改信天主教了。He has converted from Buddhism to Catholicism.

1988年,她改信了罗马天主教。In 1988, Dillard converted to Roman Catholicism.

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他们曾试图分裂联合天主教会。They tried to split the United Church of Catholicism.

但是,也许美国的天主教才是改变的最多的。But it may be American Catholicism that changes the most.

她深入说了关于她的天主教义。She expands a little bit on this sense of her Catholicism.

天主教在澳门的历史已有四百多年历史。Catholicism had more than 400 years history in Aomen's history.

在中国,清教的发展势头比天主教更为迅猛。The official Protestant Church is growing faster than Catholicism.

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景教和罗马天主教也享受了一段容忍。Nestorianism and Roman Catholicism also enjoyed a period of toleration.

老城厢还是上海和中国天主教的发源地。The Old City was also the cradle of Catholicism in Shanghai and in China.

在1536年1月31日,门诺放弃他的罗马天主教,并躲藏起来。On January 31, 1536, Menno renounced his Roman Catholicism and went into hiding.

当欧洲国家推崇天主教的时候,他们又变成了天主教徒。They were Catholics in a time when Catholicism was basically EuropeanGovernment.

亨利8世从天主教分离。成立英格兰教会。In 1538 Henry VIII also broke away from Catholicism and founded The Church of England.

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中国天主教115个教区,均由中国主教或教区长主持教会工作。Chinese Catholicism has 115 parishes under the direction of Chinese bishops or priests.

在中国,天主教亦称天主堂,新教亦称礼拜堂。In China, Catholicism also calls the catholic church, the protestantism also calls the church.

在他的研究生涯中,虔诚的天主教信仰产生了深远的影响。In his research career, his devotional faith of Catholicism has profound effect to his theory.

这加剧了哲学界对天主教的抨击以及社会分化。This added to the philosophical attacks on Catholicism and increased the divisions in society.

而伽利略与教会的争吵,真的只是天主教义两种不同版本间的争执罢了。Galileo's run-in with the Church was really a spat between two different versions of Catholicism.

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有传言称是天主教的传教士出钱贿人往井水里投毒。It was rumored that it was a missionary of Catholicism who bribed people to poison the well water.

在中国,有佛教、道教、伊斯兰、天主教、基督教等多种宗教。There are many religions in China, such as Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.

麦琪的思想远离天主教而沉入了让人眼花缭乱的深蓝色中。Maggie's head was spinning in a daze of ultramarine blue far removed from Catholicism or Polynesia.