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学习开始及终止苏急救之适应时机。Learn the indications for and terminating resuscitation.

没有给她输液,没有给她供氧,没有给她注射针剂,没有急救措施。No drip, no oxygen mask, no injections, no resuscitation.

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如果有人呼吸停止,进行口对口人工呼吸。If anyone has stopped breathing, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

大家还观看了红会心肺复苏的培训视频。Then they watched the training video of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

救护员使用了口对口人工呼吸法来挽救那孩子的生命。The lifeguard used mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to save the child's life.

他试了试孩子们的脉搏并试图嘴对嘴进行急救。He checked pulses and attempted mouth to mouth resuscitation on his children.

结果抢救及时,不需行子宫切除手术。Results The resuscitation was timely and didn t need to implement hysterectomy.

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于是我坐在戒毒所里度过了四天,祈祷我能够活下来。It was four days of me sitting in resuscitation hoping and praying I wasn't dying.

请叫妇产科住院医师速到抢救室来。Please call the Department of gynaecology and obstetrics to the resuscitation room.

目的观察去甲肾上腺素处理对心肺复苏的影响。Objective To evaluate the effect of norepinephrine on cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

对此患者实施复苏治疗的医生在9天以后出现症状,但最后痊愈。The doctor who attempted resuscitation developed symptoms 9 days later. He recovered.

结论烧伤早期肠道营养对肠道的复苏较静脉营养优越。Conclusion The effects of EF are better than those of EPN on intestinal resuscitation.

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目的探讨大剂量肾上腺素在心肺复苏中的应用情况。Objective To investigate the using of high-dose epinephrine for cardiac resuscitation.

他想起几年前在潜水课上学的口对口人工呼吸。He remembered learning mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a scuba diving course years before.

目的研究垂体后叶素在心肺复苏中的作用。Objective To study the effect of administrating vasopressin on cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

几乎所有需要心肺复苏的会死亡或留下严重的脑损伤。Nearly all who require cardiopulmonary resuscitation die or are left with severe brain injury.

节约原材料,降低成本,大有利于新生儿窒息复苏的推广普及。The low cost and material saving device will be popularized to improve neo-natal resuscitation.

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治疗组在常规猝死复苏的基础上加用盐酸纳络酮。The treatment group was treated with routine resuscitation therapy plus naloxone hydrochloride.

尽管在内罗毕接受专科治疗并获得积极的复苏治疗,他最终仍于1月15日死亡。Despite specialized care in Nairobi and aggressive resuscitation attempts, he died on 15 January.

哦,我希望我能记得像你这样的美女曾给我做的口对口人工呼吸。Oh, I wish I could remember that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with such a beautiful woman as you.