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那只幼兽是只小熊。A cub is a small bear.

师傅在襁褓中发现他。Shifu found him as a cub.

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我是一只小狮子。我是你的孙子。I'm a cub. I'm your grandson.

图中,埃利斯注视著一只狼崽。Shaun Ellis looks at a wolf cub.

I1050幼兽队少年割草机甲板部分。I1050 Cub "Cadet" mower parts deck.

灰熊母亲正招呼自己的孩子。A mother grizzly bear greets her cub.

用黄辣椒制作的小兔子呢?A yellow-pepper bunny and a lemon bear cub.

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我要一份幼狮三明治你觉得呢?Make mine a cub sandwich! What'd you think?

就把自己看作是一只文雅的虎崽儿好了。So see to it that you are a gentle tiger cub.

把可爱的小熊送给国王做生日礼物?They little bear cub a gift-bear for the King?

在一年左右,幼仔会半自立。In a year, the cub will become semi-independent.

美尔根是最调皮的小狼崽儿。Maheegun was the most mischievous wolf cub ever.

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但是真真用于明用照明少知又少。But for Ming with lighting little cub know little.

时间流逝,辛巴长成了一只趾高气昂的小狮子。Time passes, and Simba grows into a cocky young cub.

猪崽的了链球菌该用什么药物治疗?Of pig cub streptococcic with what should medication?

但这只无辜的幼虎并不懂得这些,它信赖他们”。But the innocent cub did not know this. He trusted them.

这只幼熊玩转着几块石头,给世界带来了惊喜。The cub navigated some rocks and gave the world a sniff.

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在莫斯科动物园�,一只小北极熊在他妈妈身边嬉耍。A polar bear cub plays near his mother at the Moscow Zoo.

在奥卡万戈三角洲一只幼豹在它母亲旁边休息。A leopard cub rests near its mother in the Okavango Delta.

一只北极熊幼兽让他的妈妈知道他是乐于去看护。A polar bear cub lets his mother know he's ready to nurse.