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是一个情态动词。"Can" is a modal verb.

“流行”在这里呢是个动词。Liuxing" here is a verb."

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短语动词还是单词?。Phrasal verb or single word?

德语动词放在句末。The German verb is postponed.

我在示例中使用的是动词形式。I use a verb form in the example.

怎样更好的运用助动词?How to use auxiliary verb better ?

及物动词有一个宾语。A transitive verb takes an object.

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最为常见的系动词是be。The most common copular verb is be.

一个简单句只有一个动词。A simple sentence has only one verb.

我需要开发一个动词搭配软件。I need to develop a verb conjugator.

每一个简单句内只有一个动词。Each simple sentence has only one verb.

在这里,动词又用复数。Hier wiederum steht das Verb im Plural.

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我们需要一个动词来建构一个句子。We need a verb to construct a sentence.

选择一个没被过度使用的动词。Choose a verb that hasn’t been overused.

但我想让你把服务当做一个动词来思考。I want you to think of service as a verb.

英语动词靠词尾发生变化。In English, the verb inflects by endings.

英语动词也反应了数的范畴。The English verb also inflects for number.

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动词和构式义相互作用。Verb and construction interact each other.

“朋友,”我说,“爱是个动词。"My friend, "I responded, "Love is a verb.

一个不定式是由两个词构成的形式。An infinitive is a two-word form of a verb.