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敲出铿锵的音符。Strike a note.

绝不发动第一击。No first strike.

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勾掉他的名字。Strike out his name.

让老天爷劈死你吧!May God strike you dead!

你对她印象如何?How does she strike you?

迅速出击!现在出击!Strike quickly! Strike now!

火石打不出火来了。The flint would not strike.

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你为什么打狗?Why did you strike the dog?

你对商量的印相如何?How did the plan strike you?

以复仇的力量击倒汝!Strike with great vengeance!

一曲歌罢,“再来一首!”Strike a song, "Another one!"

请从里面敲打。Strike it from inside,please.

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趁热打铁。Strike while the iron is hot.

矿工发起了一场歇工。The miners launched a strike.

舌头虽软,对人的伤害却可很硬。A soft tongue may strike hard.

所有的工人都在罢工。All the workers are on strike.

所有的工人都在歇工。Bll the workers are on strike.

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他也不把它打掉。He did not strike off, either.

要打就要趁虫靠近的时候。Strike while the bug is close.

1934年纺织工人罢工Textile Workers Strike of 1934