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他是汤姆,她是艾蕾。He is Tom and she is Ally.

美国会是一个好的同盟。Xira America will be a good ally.

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同时也是组建同盟的意义所在。And that's worth of having an ally.

血精灵与海妖联盟。The Blood elves ally with the Naga.

Mutko是阿布亲密的盟友。Mutko was a close ally of Abramovich.

另一个盟国能这样、又不能那样做。Another ally can do this but not that.

他是帮助你实现梦想的最亲密的伙伴!He is the closest ally of your dreams!

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某一盟国能在某一地方、却不能在其它地点作战。One ally can fight here but not another place.

盟友和傀儡之间是有区别的。There is a difference between ally and stooges.

本公司不需要加盟费!This company does not need to ally the expense!

和诗歌,她的服务于善的助手。And poetry, her ally in the service of the good.

在反恐战争当中它一直是坚定的盟友。It has been a staunch ally in the War on Terror.

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工人阶级的同盟军是农民阶级。The ally of the working class was the peasantry.

圣露西亚成为台湾第二十五个邦交国。Saint Lucia became Taiwan's 25th diplomatic ally.

变异人现在相信我们是盟友了,利用他们。The Mutants believe we are an ally now, use them.

巴基斯坦害怕被印度及其盟友包围。Pakistan fears encirclement by India and its ally.

你真想知道我怎样想吗?Do you renumber one ally want to know what I think?

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新娘过门那天,身边只有一个体己人。The bride had only one sure ally on her wedding day.

我是他们的密友、朋友,他们的同盟。I have been their confidant, their friend, their ally.

艾莉和约翰正在史密森国家公园健行。Ally and John are out hiking in Smithson National Park.