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第三章叙述1899年的萨摩亚内战。The third chapter describes the Samoan civil war of 1899.

萨摩亚与西方在文化上很多地方差异非常大。Samoan culture is very different from most Western cultures.

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数天之后,到9月30日,太平洋萨摩亚群岛出现海啸。A few days later, on Wednesday, a tsunami struck the Pacific Samoan Islands.

萨摩亚政府将坚定恪守一个中国政策。He reiterated the Samoan government's firm adherence to the one-China policy.

名仕弗里曼说,萨摩亚社会价值的年轻女人谁没有过性关系。Mister Freeman said Samoan society valued a young woman who had not had sexual relations.

孟加拉国人民感谢中国长期以来为孟经济发展提供的帮助。Samoan people thanked China for providing valuable economic and technological support and assistance to Samoa, he added.

母亲告诉我,我的生身父母是萨摩亚人,我出生时他们才十几岁,所以他们把我送给别人抚养。According to my mother, my natural parents were Samoan and only teenagers when I was born, so they gave me up for adoption.

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萨摩亚独立国,萨摩亚群岛的南太平洋斐济以北的东群岛的一部分。The Independent State of Samoa is part of the Samoan Islands archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean just north east of Fiji.

后来我开玩笑说,在演讲进行到十分钟的时候,美国萨摩亚人代表团开始“在火上烤起乳猪来”,我知道我的演讲要搞砸了。I later joked that I knew I was in trouble when, at the ten-minute mark, the American Samoan delegation started roasting a pig.

例如,从移居到新西兰的萨摩亚儿童和移居到英国的亚洲人,就可看出这种因搬迁导致发病率的改变。This migration phenomena has been seen, for example, when Samoan children move to New Zealand and when Asians move to England. 2

他的支持者还把该政策告上了法庭,理由是它使萨摩亚道路变得太危险了,那是侵犯了公民的生命权。Supporters also took the plan to court, on the grounds that it breaches citizens' right to life by making Samoan roads too dangerous.

“不,”雅克布摇着头说道。“蕾切尔拿到了一份奖学金,到华盛顿州念书去了。瑞贝卡和一个萨摩亚冲浪运动员结了婚——她现在住在夏威夷。”"No. " Jacob shook his head. "Rachel got a scholarship to Washington State, and Rebecca married a Samoan surfer — she lives in Hawaii now. "

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中方对萨摩亚政府一直坚定支持中国统一大业表示赞赏。Li expressed the Chinese government's appreciation for the Samoan government's steadfast support for the great cause of China's reunification.

其他在太平洋上的国家在学校采用英语授课因为没有人会把教材翻译为萨摩亚语或者汤加语。Other countries in the Pacific do all their schooling in English because the mart just isn't there to translate textbooks into Samoan or Tongan.

其他在太平洋上的国家在学校采用英语授课因为没有人会把教材翻译为萨摩亚语或者东加语。Other countries in the Pacific do all their schooling in English because the market just isn't there to translate textbooks into Samoan or Tongan.

如此安排结构,意在表明麦金莱政府的萨摩亚政策既是大转折的必然结果,也是它的有机构成部分。By arranging the structure like this, I aim at showing that the latter's Samoan policy was not only the result but also a component part of this turn.

萨摩亚气象官员说明,部分罹难者因第二波海浪卷上岸而灭顶丧生,当时他们正在捡拾遭第一波海浪冲走的鱼群。Samoan meteorological officials suggest that some victims were killed by a second wave that swept ashore as they gathered fish washed up by the first.

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萨摩亚政府和人民感谢中国对萨实现社会经济发展目标提供的有力支持和帮助。The Samoan people and government thanked China for its strong support for and help in Samoa's social and economic development, said the prime minister.

在2009年9月的萨摩亚海啸中,人们本可以轻易地爬上身后地势较高的山坡,然而他们当时却选择了乘车逃跑。During the Samoan tsunami in September 2009, people who could easily have climbed to high ground in the hills behind them chose, instead, to evacuate by car.

当地时间7月31日,萨摩亚总理兼外长图伊拉埃帕与到访的中国外交部长李肇星举行会谈。On July 31, local time, Samoan Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi held talks with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing.