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他曾经拥有健壮的让别人妒忌的体魄。He once had a beefy body that others begrudged.

我喜欢高大强壮而又有统治力的精壮的中后卫。I love my centre backs to be big, beefy and dominant.

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孩子的父亲是Pasha,一个牛脾气没大脑的肌肉男。The baby’s father is Pasha, a very beefy and bull-headed man.

喜欢的牙力汗非蔬菜,但非常的蔬菜食品太喜欢。The beefy Khan prefers non-veg but is extremely fond of veg food too.

那位肌肉发达的侍者斜靠在吧台上,死死的盯着他的顾客。The beefy attendant leaned over the bar and fixed a withering glare on his customer.

显然,如果你正在运行的这些线卡的顶部,你需要一个结实的电力供应。Clearly, if you're running these top of the line cards, you'll need a beefy power supply.

他是个肥嘟嘟的大块头,肥到脖子都快没了,胡子倒有一大把。He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache.

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但是最终勇猛的金发男主角上了场,把十字架钉进吸血伯爵的心脏。But then the blond, beefy hero comes in at the end and puts a stake through Dracula's heart.

字串来自一个包着'重'通常是很厚的规模和良好的“牙”。Strings that come from a package marked 'Heavy' are usually quite thick in size and sound "beefy".

我正要向酒保提及冰块的事情,这时一个来买威士忌的壮汉插了句话。I posed my ice question to the guy behind the counter, but a beefy man buying some whiskey interjected.

三星试图用强大的处理器、但保持同等价位来打败iPad。Samsung tried to outmuscle the iPad with beefy processors but keep prices in line with Apple's machine.

但是我那邻居,虽然他高头大马,体重总有120公斤,然而他的声音却又高又细,就像一个体格比他小一半儿的人发出来的声音。But my beefy neighbor who must weigh 120 kilos has a high-pitched squeaky voice like a man half his size.

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如果你认为红葡萄酒要年久的。结实的就是非常好的,那么黑比诺会使你转变。If you thought red wines had to be big and beefy to be really good, then Pinot noir is the grape to convert you.

碗爽朗的健壮的探险是一个在新加坡的日本快餐厅交互式微型网站。The Adventures of Hearty Beefy Bowl is a interactive microsite for a Japanese fast food restaurant in Singapore.

彭于晏不仅因全身心投入到角色中而大获好评,而且自己也锻炼出了强壮结实的体魄。Not only has Peng been praised for immersing himself in the character, he’s also built up a strong and beefy body.

我被光笼罩着,一个穿白甲克的强壮男子站在我的房间里,手放在墙上的开关上。Then there was light all around me, and there was a beefy guy in a white jacket standing with his hand on the wall switch.

格奥尔基朝亚历克西瞟了一眼,酒馆保镖似乎已做好了准备,他结实的手挪向猎装下面隆起的部位。Georgi shot a glance at Alexi. The bouncer seemed prepared, his beefy hand poised to reach for the bulge in his safari jacket.

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在现实生活中,您不可能提炼出氧化氘,但您可以依赖远程服务器和强大的数据库。In real life, you're not likely to refine deuterium oxide, but you are likely to depend on remote servers and beefy databases.

插入式和纯电动车所共同拥有的一样东西就是一个可以承受高强度重复充放电的坚韧锂电池组。One thing the new plug-ins and pure electrics have in common is a beefy lithium-ion battery pack that needs a lot of heavy charging.

结果在大获成功的2005年葡萄酒会上诞生了一种颇为浓稠的葡萄酒,它色泽深沉,果香味十足,并且其中的成分有益健康。The result, in the near perfect 2005 vintage, is a beefy wine, deep in colour, ample in spice and fruit, and with a wholesome structure.