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一头猪已经成了狼心狗肺!A pig has already become rapacious and savage!

大肆囤地使一些开发商赢得了“地王”的称号。Rapacious hoarding earned some the title of land kings.

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第69分钟,通过卡瓦尼一次犀利的突破取得领先。It led on 69 minutes through a sharp, rapacious break finished off by Edinson Cavani.

澳大利亚被说成是终于同其贪婪的过去,现在。Australia was said to be finally coming to terms with its rapacious past, and present.

当地人普遍对贪婪的西方殖民者和阿拉伯奴隶贩子有着苦涩的回忆。Locals often have bitter memories of rapacious Western colonialists and Arab slave traders.

罗姆说,“你无法得到这种从贪婪中创造出来的财富。“You can get this burst of wealth that we have created from this rapacious behavior,” added Romm.

其中一个住在亚历山大汉密尔顿,写过人类是“野心勃勃的,相互仇恨的,贪婪的”。He cites Alexander Hamilton, who wrote that human beings are “ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious.”

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这对爱人引起了贪婪的刚的注意,为了寻找并不存在的宝藏他袭击了他们。The lovers attract the attentions of a rapacious gang, who descend on them, searching for non-existent booty.

二十世纪八十年代的首席执行官是一个贪婪的掠夺者的形象,他们鄙视和排斥他人,只是为了满足他们的贪欲。In the 1980s, the CEO was a rapacious plunderer, vilified for laying off honest folk just to acquire a more lavish jet.

CEO薪资福利的小小调整,修饰了的银行资产负债表,以及对贪婪的信用卡发行商可能的,只是可能的,苍白管制。A little gussying-up of bank balance sheets. Maybe, just maybe, some feeble protection against rapacious credit card lenders.

在文化方面,从莫里哀到巴尔扎克都认为资产阶级是卑鄙,贪婪,庸俗,反动和好掠夺的。Culturally, the bourgeoisie has been regarded, from moliere to balzac, as mean, avaricious, tasteless, reactionary and rapacious.

当代美国人是在闹哄哄的政治和苛刻的媒体环境下成长起来的,他们觉得自己在直面错误方面堪称是专家。Modern Americans -- shaped by raucous politics and a rapacious media --like to think of themselves as experts in confronting mistakes.

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也有可能不会让人感到惊讶,反精英的语言经常是对付那些精英中非常贪婪无情的人们的有力工具。Maybe not surprisingly, the language of anti- elitism has often been a useful tool of the most rapacious and merciless among the elite.

这两家公司都是贪婪的资本家,不管是乔布斯对完美追求的品味或Google不作恶的口号,都不能左右我的这种看法。Both of these companies are rapacious capitalists, and I’m not swayed by either Steve Job’s impeccable taste or Google’s “Don’t be Evil” slogan.

埃尔南再次表现出了他的杀手本色,他在对方门将刚刚扑出西多夫射门,正在努力摸索皮球踪迹的时候,近距离将球打进。Hernan showed his rapacious instinct once again, as he punched to score from close range after the goalkeeper fumbled that Clarence Seedorf shot.

就这件事来说,他们给这有益植物造成了巨大损害,因为各种贪婪的强盗和偷贼很快会为得利而把它们全部连根拔掉。In that case they have done a huge disservice to this beneficial plant as all sorts of rapacious plunderers and poachers will soon uproot all these plants for profit.

他们发现依据个人的观点,这一系列的法案既可以解释为为即将窒息的金融市场打开了呼吸通道,又可以解释为将控制权下放给了贪婪的企业和银行。There they found a set of provisions that, depending on your point of view, either open the airways of asphyxiated financial markets or give free rein to rapacious companies and banks.