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他踩到我的脚趾了。He trod on my toes.

这个农奴被蹂躏致死。The serf was trod to death.

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牛把化学药品踩进了土里。The cattle trod the chemical in.

他意外走火打中了自己的脚。He accidentally trod on her foot.

我踩了你一脚吧,对不起。I'm sorry if I trod on your toes.

轻笑着,他踏进了书斋。Lightly smile, he trod into studio.

伐木工人在山腰上踩出了一条小路。Woodmen trod a path on the mountainside.

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多年来,比尔·克林顿遵循着同样的道路。For years Bill Clinton trod the same path.

每天早上他走同一条街道去上学。Every morning he trod the same street to school.

牛把田里的野花踩坏了。The cattle trod down the wild flowers in the field.

她轻手轻脚地走,以免吵醒睡梦中的婴儿。She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby.

在他们的心目中,他脚踏的地面都是圣洁的。In their eyes, the very ground on which he trod was sanctified.

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但在而后的三个星期,谷歌却一直谨慎出招,不敢贸然行动。But in the three weeks since, the Web giant has trod cautiously.

你可以把我踩进泥地,但像尘土,我任将奋起。You may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I'll rise.

那男人穿着厚底靴,不费什么力气就把火踩灭了。The man was wearing thick soled boots and easily trod out the fire.

她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.

当他不情愿地向尼森式的小房子迈动脚步的时候,泥地一直在吮吸着他的双脚。The ground sucked at his feet as he trod reluctantly towards the nis sen hut.

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他高度赞赏这部小说,他对作者简直崇拜得五体投地。He spoke highly of the novel. He almost worshipped the ground the author trod on.

他一脚踩著扫帚头,扫帚柄飞快地翘了起来,打在他的脸上。He trod on the head of the broom and the handles flew up and hit him in the face.

然而有一只黎巴嫩的野兽经过,将这棵荆棘践踏了。And the beasts of the forest, that are in Libanus, passed and trod down the thistle.