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请订阅本频道。Please subscribe this channel.

订阅我们的免费邮件。Subscribe to our free e-mails.

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我们赞同这项决议。We subscribe to the resolution.

马上订阅,可获2周免费赠阅。Subscribe now, get 2 weeks free.

胡乔木同志的意见,我是赞成的。I cannot subscribe to that opinion.

我们不能认同这项理论。We do not subscribe to this theory.

我过去订阅1-2份杂志。I used to subscribe to 1-2 magazines.

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我想预订几本小说。I want to subscribe for some novels.

我甚至可以订阅他的播放列表。I can even subscribe to his playlists.

赶快点击订购或者上网购买吧!Click here to subscribe or buy on-line.

杂志发行号2778。Magazine issue 2778. Subscribe and save

人们可以订阅的电子报。People can subscribe for the newsletter.

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做好本室报纸、杂志的订购工作。To subscribe the magazines and news papers.

你可以在这儿订阅你要的那几份报纸。You can subscribe here for your newspapers.

对美神有更进一步的了解。Subscribe to my RSS feed and get loads more!

订阅竞争对手新闻消息,保持先知先觉。Subscribe to news feeds about your competitors

你为希望工程捐助了多少钱?How much did you subscribe to the Hope Project?

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伟大的企业生产者订阅禅习惯。Great productivity-ists subscribe to Zen Habits.

应用可以订阅推送通知。Applications can subscribe to push notifications.

我希望你可以访问她或订阅她的资料。I hope you’ll visit her or subscribe to her feed.