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洞穴边缘,朝露盈盈。And the brink of the dewy caves.

你的一生在转眼之间就毁掉了。Whole life blown away in the brink of eye.

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你会在失败的边沿摇摇欲坠地行走。You should teeter on the brink of failure.

把湖人队推向边缘的达观的火箭。Resilient Rockets pushing Lakers to the brink.

很明显我们已经从危险的边缘退回来了。It is clear we have stepped back from the brink.

他很无能已导致我们濒临绝境。His incompetence have bring us to the brink of ruin.

难道使我的生命濒临在危险边缘是有价值的吗?For is it really worth it. As my life lies at the brink?

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我们的世界,正处于失去这些奇迹般治疗的边缘。The world is on the brink of losing these miracle cures.

他们互相推搡了一会儿,眼看就要大打出手了。They sparred for a moment, on the brink of a full fight.

匈牙利就是最新一个陷入边缘困境的实例。Hungary is the latest example of an economy on the brink.

但是这次他的边缘政策玩过火了。But this time his brinksmanship pushes events over the brink.

我正在堕落为律师,这一开除却救了我。I was on the brink of becoming a lawyer. This erasure saves me.

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如果你犹豫不决,那么买车对你来说真的会是件痛苦的事。If you are indecisive, buying a car will take you to the brink.

印象中的蝶舞天涯,现实中成了悬崖勒马。The impression of the splendour of Tianya, reality into the brink.

美国冠军摩尔曾一度濒临绝境而泪流满面。U. S. winner Ms. Moore got teary on the brink of elimination ─ Ms.

我确信自己已处在贫困的边缘,马上就要进济贫院了。I was certain I was on the brink of poverty, going to the poorhouse.

好老头贝尼特斯也在安菲尔德嘤嘤哭泣。And good old Rafa seems to be teetering on the brink over at Anfield.

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如果我们张开眼睛,站在深渊的边缘,我们不会往下跳。If we have eyes and stand on the brink of an abyss, we will not jump.

特别是因为我认为我的小说就快成型了。especially because it's on the brink of, I think, becoming something.

由于这种转变的失败,这些村庄正处于消失的边缘。Because of this failure the village are at the brink of disappearance.