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她自认愉悦的美学观只会使情况变得更加恶心。Her pleasing esthetics only makes this situation more vile.

第二部分、主要介绍六祖惠能的美学思想。The second part mainly introduces esthetics thought of Hui Neng.

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他们几乎不欣赏艺术,也缺乏审美观。They have little appreciation for the arts and have poor esthetics.

第二章是探讨赵孟頫的文人画美学思想。The second section discusses the literal painting esthetics of Zhao.

其次,这种写意之风还体现在他这时期散文的美学风格上。Next, this realism is also shown in the esthetics style of his prose.

培养学生对美学秩序的认知思考与运用。Train the student's cognition to the esthetics order thinking and usage.

第三章托马斯·门罗东方美学思想的贡献和局限。The third chapter overall appraises Thomas Munro's East esthetics thought.

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牙龈萎缩会造成牙齿敏感、牙根龋齿和美观上的问题。Gingival recession may lead to sensitivity, root caries and poor esthetics.

桥梁建筑首要满足其结构功能,还要体现其美学特性。Its structure function and its esthetics characteristic should be embodied.

李戈晔的绘画似乎从来都不曾属于过那种风尚美学的范畴。The paintings of Li Geye never belong to the category of faddish esthetics.

在精神哲学基础上,克罗齐建立起他的庞大的美学理论体系。Croce established his huge esthetics theory system on his spirit philosophy.

主题——现代主义是一个美学的概念,取决于道德价值。The topic-modernism is a concept of esthetics and be decided by moral value.

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孔子的美学概而言之就是礼乐美学。Briefly speaking, Confucius' esthetics is that of ceremonial rites and music.

它与时尚和消费有着密切的联系,并且蕴含着深刻的美学内涵。It ties up with consumption and vogue, and contains a deep esthetics meaning.

本文还初步探讨了巴赫键盘作品装饰音的美学价值。We also discuss esthetics value about ornamentation in Bach's keyboard music.

美学问题是哲学领域中最扑朔迷离的问题之一。Esthetics question is in the philosophy domain one of most confusing questions.

城市美学是一门内容涵盖面十分广泛的美学分支。The urban esthetics history, a branch of esthetics, whose content covers widely.

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所有这些暗示着道德行为是建立在美学的“法律”上。All these suggesting morals behaviors are an establishment at esthetics of"law" up.

在艺术上,李贯通的小说富有中国古典美的风韵。In art, LI Guantong's novel has the Chinese classical esthetics the graceful bearing.

“直觉”是克罗齐美学思想的核心范畴,也是西方美学中的一个普泛性概念。"Intuition" is the core of Croce's aesthetics, a general concept in the western esthetics.