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我爰读书、旅游。I hence reading, travel.

冬虫夏草因此得名。Cordyceps hence the name.

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因此便有了爱滋病这个病名。Hence came the name Aids.

因此,名称为镜像。Hence the name, mirroring.

因此动静全无。Hence nothing was stirring.

这就是萧条轴心。Hence the axis of depression.

于是他踩下油门。Hence he trampled accelerator.

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也就是这个问题的名字0/1背包问题。Hence the name of the problem.

圆点标记法来解决这个问题。Hence the use of the dot notation.

所以这是立法者必须做到的。Hence the necessity of the lawgiver.

这是手工制造的,价格很贵。It is hand-made and hence expensive.

这段时期是研究者的研究课题。Hence the age of the research subjects.

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因此「真理」这个字眼指的就是那个意思。Hence the word Begriff which means that.

因此推荐治疗时应用较大剂量为宜。Hence the bigger dosages were recommended.

然而中国从此成为一个懒人国了。China will hence be a nation of lazybones !

从今以后,我一定要重新做人。Hence forth I will be a very different Toad.

流汗!讨厌很热或很闷的地方!Sweating! Hence I hate hot or stuffy places!

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因此Khoja制定了以顾客为中心的理念。Hence Mr Khoja's customer-centric philosophy.

因此付费墙有很多种形式。Hence the paywalls, which come in many forms.

也因此它显现于弟子浩的梦中。And hence it appeared in disciple Hao's dream.