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那个人总是脸色发青。That man is always livid.

那张铁青的长脸上神色缓和了。The long livid face relaxed.

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她朋友的母亲很生气。Her friend's mother was livid.

她铁青着脸,用难以置信的神情看着他。She stared back at him with livid disbelief.

那个狱卒又带来了一个面无人色的犯人。The jailor brought up another livid prisoner.

永远不会有后来的“山那边的山铁青着脸”。Never have later " hill mountain is livid face".

但三个人脸带怒色一起走进了工作室。But what walked into the office were three livid people.

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眶满以后,那眼泪便沿着他青灰的面颊流了下来。When the eyelid was full, the tear trickled down his livid cheek.

放在床上。”舒尔茨那蛇一样阴险的青灰色的脸上毫无表情。Put it on the bed. "Suchultz's expression snakelike and livid did not change."

我们能听到汽车另一边抗议者那苍白的话语。We can hear the livid chants of the protestors on the other side of the buses.

气急败坏的戴骨顺不管三七二十一上来就打,五个人打成一团。Wearing livid bone suitable begin playing willy-nilly, five people into a ball.

来自天空的一点暗淡的微光隐隐照出了珂赛特的瘦削的面貌。Cosette's thin and sickly face was vaguely outlined by the livid light in the sky.

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她望着天花,上有一处青灰色的地方鼓起来,似乎有水渗入。She's gazing at a livid bulge on the ceiling where water seems to be coming through.

就算他们外表好看,平常不发脾气的都好,他们的面容会变得扭曲和丑陋。Even if they are good-looking and normally peaceful, their faces turn livid and ugly.

韦斯·克拉克狂怒,我没有怪他,因为我知道我们不会开打第三次世界大战。Wes Clark was livid. I didn’t blame him, but I knew we weren’t on the verge of World War III.

五个青紫色的点——包括拇指的五个手指指印留了在她的雪白的手腕上。Five little livid spots the marks of four fingers and a thumb were printed upon the white wrist.

想想,当有私人资金可以利用时谁还想依靠满脸愠色的选民和欺压银行的政客?But who wants to rely on livid voters and banker-bashing politicians when private cash is available?

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帕尤妮亚姨妈那张瘦长的马脸出现在维能姨夫宽阔的紫脸后面。她看起来很脸色发青。Aunt Petunia's thin, horsy face now appeared beside Uncle Vernon's wide, purple one. She looked livid.

由于冰岛进行资本调控,许多投资者的融资额仍被套牢在冰岛国内,而其他的一些投资者也愤怒不已。And other investors are livid too, not least those with funds still trapped in the country by capital controls.

此时逍遥宝殿上王母娘娘铁青着脸,玉皇大帝暴跳如雷,要我马上了解到底发生了什么样事。Treasure Palace, Queen livid at bamboos Zhao Lian, the Jade Emperor rage, I immediately know what exactly occurred.