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你知道那呆子说啥?。You know what the klutz did?

你这个笨蛋,怎么这么笨拙?Why are you so clumsy, you klutz?

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说到音乐,我可就笨手笨脚了。I'm a klutz when it comes to music.

只有十足的笨蛋才会把这一切搞砸!Only a total klutz could screw this up!

如果我去风帆,我就会像一个劣势。If I go windsurfing, I'll look like a klutz.

喔,我真是个傻瓜,我永远无法表达出我真正的想法。Oh, I'm a klutz . I can never express myself well.

我真是一个手脚笨拙的人。我常常把自己绊倒。Im such as klutz. I trip on my own feet all the time!

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他是个傻瓜,而且可能会踩你的脚的。He's a real klutz and will probably step on your feet!

我决不会付那个笨蛋管子工一分钱!I'm not going to pay that klutz of a plumber one cent!

我这个人有点马大哈,有时候会出一些很尴尬的事。I'm a bit of a klutz and that can be pretty embarrassing.

目收据,因此会计很不高兴。That klutz lost several account receipts, so the accountant was upset.

那个傻瓜掉了几张帐目收据,因此会计很不高兴。That klutz lost several account receipts, so the accountants were upset.

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别邀请杰夫和你跳舞,他是个十足的木头,他只会踩你的脚。Don't ask Jeff to dance with you. He's a real klutz and will probably step on your feet!

大家都知道那个人笨手笨脚的,他的电脑肯定有一堆小毛病。Everyone knows the guy is a klutz and that any computer of his would be full of glitches.

你看上去手脚相当灵活,但是你实际上是个笨手笨脚的人。但是不管怎样我都喜欢你。Tora—You seem really good with your hands but you're actually a klutz. But I like you anyway.

但是纳威确实是个精神紧张、笨手笨脚的人,所以她看到,如果延续其自然发展,纳威就会打破杯子。But Neville is a nervous klutz in real-time, so she is seeing something that, if continued to it's natural conclusion, results in Neville breaking a cup.

先是把梳妆台的闹钟打翻了,然后在倒麦片的时候把牛奶撒出来,然后脚趾又撞到了门上——一夜之间你变成了个十足的笨蛋了。First you knock the alarm clock off the dresser, then you spill the milk as you're pouring your cereal, then you stub your toe on the way out the door -- you've become a klutz overnight.

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先是把梳妆台上的闹钟打落在地,然后把牛奶往麦片中倒的时候弄撒了,然后迈出家门时踢到了脚趾——一夜之间你就变成笨蛋了。First you knock the alarm clock off the dresser, then you spill the milk as you're pouring your cereal, then you stub your toe on the way out the door -- you've become a klutz overnight.