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没有奖励。No reward.

既是这样,我的赏赐是什么呢。What is my reward then?

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你能得到你奖励的东西。You get what you reward.

美德的报偿即其自身。善有善报。Virtue is its own reward.

他不要报酬。He forbore claiming the reward.

我怎么才能报答你的恩情呢?How can I reward your kindness?

闲逸是劳动的报酬。Leisure is the reward of labor.

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倘我死去,能有什么报偿?If I die what will be my reward?

是我们对先烈的报答,对历史的担当。It is the reward of our martyrs.

报答支持你的人。Reward someone who supports you.

为出门而奖励自己。Reward yourself for getting out.

另一组就不给奖励。The other half you don't reward.

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奖赏绘图员一抽屉内裤。Reward a drawer a drawer drawers.

这笔奖金还无人认领。The reward has never been claimed.

从未有人来认领这笔赏金。The reward has never been claimed.

我们不应当奖励坏的行为。We should not reward bad behavior.

他许下要给大报酬的诺言。He made promises of a large reward.

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对军人的至高奖赏,是荣誉。The military on high reward is honor.

他们问他想要什么报酬。They asked him what reward he wanted.

那是爱的回报,亦是爱的冒险。That's the reward and that's the risk.