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这是呈现吸引力的死穴!This is ATTRACTION DEATH!

那么,它的吸引力在哪里?So, what’s the attraction?

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什么是性诱惑?What is Sexual attraction?

那是一个旅游景点。That's a tourist attraction.

或者它们只是影响最初的相互吸引?or just the initial attraction?

那是一个旅游景点。It's a tourist place of attraction.

相似倒是会产生魅力?Similarity breeds attraction. Okay?

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你认为这是吸引力的因素。And you attribute it to the attraction.

你感觉这书有什麽吸收力吗?。Do you feel any attraction for this book?

有一个东西叫做库伦引力。There is a Coulombic force of attraction.

瘦西湖是个旅游胜地呀!Slender West Lake is a tourist attraction.

亚瑞诺火山为一著名景点。The Arenal Volcano is a famous attraction.

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电视对我没有侍趵睃引力。The television has little attraction for me.

这是吸引他们的源泉所在。And that was a source of attraction for them.

但是,这样的吸引力有什么特别之处?But what is the specialness of the attraction?

它们之间相互吸引是由于静电力作用。The attraction is due to electrostatic forces.

开放源码的吸引力到底是什么呢?What is the attraction of open source, anyway?

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伦敦眼似乎是一个不错的景点。London Eye seems like a really nice attraction.

冰淇淋的魅力始终是荧荧不灭的。The attraction of ice cream could never die out.

向受术者灌输对死亡的渴望。Fatal Attraction. Implants death urge in subject.