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你会在印度的恒河之畔Thou by the Indian Ganges side

有好几条河都是恒河的支流。Several rivers are _ to the Ganges.

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国家地理。河流与生命系列之恒河。N. G. Rivers. And. Life. Ganges. HDTV.

如是等恒河沙数诸佛。All Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands.

甚至是最虔诚的教徒都不否认恒河现在的困境。Not even the devout deny the plight of the Ganges now.

印度教徒在恒河中浸泡借以涤罪。Hindus purify themselves by bathing in the river Ganges.

随行人员乘小舟延着恒河进入神圣的贝拿勒斯。The party entered holy Benares by boat along the Ganges.

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这些山脉才是恒河水的真正源头。These mountain slopes feed the true headwaters of the Ganges.

恒河三角洲的地下沉积物中含有砷。The underground sediment of the Ganges Delta contains arsenic.

坎普尔印度北部一城市,在恒河上,位于德里东南部。A city of northern India on the Ganges River southeast of Delhi.

印度教朝圣者在恒河中沐浴,希望洗去自己的罪恶。Hindu pilgrims bathe in the Ganges hoping to wash away their sins.

瓦尔登的纯粹的水已经和恒河的圣水混合了。The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges.

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他讲述了一位住在恒河岸边的圣人巴茹阿特的故事。He told of a saint named Bharata, who lived on the bank of the Ganges.

支流从高地往下流,与平原上的恒河汇合。Ane they tumble from this higher land to meet the Ganges on the plains.

恒河的水开始涨潮了,一阵微风从南面吹来。The flood-tide began in the Ganges and a breeze came up from the south.

他们说所有的罪业都栖息在恒河岸边的树上。They say that the sins perch on the trees along the bank of the Ganges.

印度东部的一座城市,位于恒河三角洲上的胡格利河畔。A city of eastern India on the Hooghly River in the Ganges delta. Founded c.

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一次,我看到一位神圣母亲的奉献者在恒河岸边的石梯上沐浴。Once I saw a devotee of the Divine Mother at the bathing-ghat on the Ganges.

当然,这里也有阿修罗的国王,有60条恒河沙子那么多。Also, there were asura kings, who were as numerous as the sands of 60 Ganges.

恒河河岸就像我前生前世的老友一样拥我入怀。The bank of the Ganges welcomed me into its lap like a friend of a former birth.