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康派,精神奢华倡者。Advocator of Luxury in Spirit.

言术的申不害首先是法治论者。The warlock Shen Buhai is above all an advocator of law.

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流官是汉文化的倡导者、引导者。The officials were the advocator and guide of Han culture.

作为一名拥护者大坝的我认为所有这些担心是毫无根据的。As an advocator of the Dam I think all these worries are groundless.

丰子恺是一个大众文艺的热心提倡者。Feng Zikai was a warmhearted advocator of the popular literature and arts.

此次会议的发起人和主持者,是美国女艺术家简·高尔登。The advocator and organizer of this symposium is the American female artist Jane GOLDEN.

奥斯卡•王尔德是唯美主义的最积极鼓吹者,也是唯美主义文学的身体力行者。Oscer Wilde was the most active advocator and also the earnest practitioner of aestheticism.

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蔡元培不仅是一个美育思想家,更是一个美育的积极倡导者和实施者。Cai Yuanpei is not only a thinker but an active advocator and implementer of aesthetic education.

所以,青年往往是新产品、新消费时尚的追求者、尝试者和推广者。Therefore, youth is the seeker, tryer and advocator of new products and new consumption tide very often.

审计长是纽约市仅次于市长和公益倡导人的全市性公职。The comptroller, or city auditor, ranks third among city officials, only after mayor and public advocator.

韦斯特伍德便是该裙式的鼓吹者,并且她的撑架裙或泡泡裙里面穿的是牛仔裤。Westwood is the advocator of this kind of skirt, and wear a jean under the full skirt or a puff ball skirt.

菲律宾总统阿罗约的风度强烈吸引着她的拥护者,但她强调只能接受丈夫的亲吻。Philippines president invite of poise mightiness attraction she of advocator , but she emphasize a can accept a husband of kiss.

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作为一个公共图书馆的倡导者和实践者,他买书、藏书,并为每一个人提供阅读的机会。As an advocator and practitioner of the public library, he bought and collected books and provided reading chances for each person.

伍尔夫是西方意识流小说理论的倡导者,又是运用意识流手法创作小说的代表作家。Woolf was an advocator of the western theory of stream of consciousness as well as a representative writer using this method in creation.

倡导更高品质的生活方式---吸引力强,帮助提升生活品质,是高品质生活的价值参考!Advocator of a higher quality lifestyle with strong attraction! Helps to improve your quality of life and turns out to be valuable reference for you!

鲁迅早期认为尼采是强力意志的鼓吹者、超人的赞颂者和西方近代文明的批评者。Luxun considered Nietzsche as an advocator for "der Wille zur Macht" and "übermensch", and a criticizer to western modern culture in the early period.

本书由当代新儒家最有影响的代表之一杜维明所著,国内著名学者段德智教授翻译。The book is written by Du Weiming, one of the most influential advocator of the new Confucianism, and translated by Prof. Duan Dezhi, a famous scholar in China.

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在这样一种趋势下,学习和分析我国实用主义、功能主义、经验主义方法论的倡导者——苏力教授的法学思想是很有现实意义的。Under this circumstance, the study and analyze the theory of professor Su Li who is the advocator of pragmatism, functionalism, and experimental ism is of great significance.

达赖在国外获得了“诺贝尔和平奖”,有人还称他为“人权卫士”、“非暴力主义者”,对此有何看法?The Dalai Lama was awarded the "Nobel Peace Prize" abroad, and some people call him "guardian of human rights" and " advocator of non-violence. " How would you comment on this?

丁文江不仅是中国地质科学的主要奠基者,而且是近代科学救国思想的主要倡导者和实践者。Ding Wenjiang was not only the major founder of the Chinese geological science, but also the main advocator and practitioner of the thoughts of saving the country through science.