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她是一个传奇。She is a legend.

舞的传说。The Legend of Hime.

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传奇的缔造者。The stuff of legend.

但是鲍勃•鲁兹就是个传说。But Bob Lutz is a legend.

传奇,还是讹传?Legend or Misinformation?

传说就是这样诞生的。Thus the legend was born.

据传说是未必尽然的。Legend says they were not.

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穆罕默德·绍尔就是一个传奇。Mehmet Scholl is a legend.

吉赛尔在巴西是一个传奇。Gisele is a legend in Brazil.

克尼什是个纽约传奇人物。Joey Knish is a New York legend.

这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说。The city had no romantic legend.

这是一个神乎其神的传说。This is such a wonderful legend.

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石上之名,传奇之魂。Name in stone, spirits of legend.

言而,那只是一个传奇。Speech but, that's just a legend.

石上之名,传奇之魂。Names in stone, spirits of legend.

在中国龙是一种传奇动物。Dragon is a Legend animal in China.

完成所有刺杀精通任务。Complete all Acharn Legend Missions.

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传说讲的是一位传奇大侠。Legend tells of a legendary warrior.

巴布亚部族曾有个传说。Papuan tribes used to have a legend.

今天,是武术传奇,李连杰。Today is martial arts legend Jet Li.