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空气和潮湿使银子失去光泽。Air and moisture tarnish silver.

只有经常的清洁才能防患于未然。Opt for frequent cleanings to nip tarnish in the bud.

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对光泽暗淡的铜器,黄铜,或者不锈钢说拜拜。Say good-bye to tarnish on brass, copper, or stainless steel.

不过,这种失去光芒——抑或不安——的感觉,,不只是损失所带来的。But the sense of tarnish – or unease – goes beyond the losses.

我注意到的一件事就是一点不要抹杀他的名声,要跟团队明确表示,我非常重视,他为创始公司所做的,努力,我绝不会试图,抹杀他的名声,这是一点。One of the things I did was to not tarnish his reputation at all.

这就是为什么银氧化层“奇迹”地消失于的洗银水中。This is why silver tarnish "miraculously" disappears in silver dip.

明确担保双美亦有可能有损于美国"AAA"的债信评级.An explicit guarantee could also tarnish the U.S. "triple-A" rating.

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因为我对我目前的演艺记录很满意,我不想破坏它。because I like my track record right now, and I don't want to tarnish it.

然而华为表示,放弃交易将会损害它的声誉和品牌价值。Huawei, though, said that doing so would tarnish its reputation and brand.

镀铬物被镀的黄铜重量重量抵抗裂口、抓痕和污名。The chrome plated brass weight weight resists nicks , scratches and tarnish.

在许多情况中,你的行为能磨光起来或失去光译你的国家的图象。In many cases, your behavior can either polish up or tarnish the image of your country.

清洁银器时要戴上棉手套,因为你皮肤里的酸性物质会使它失去光泽。Wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal.

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看着我的眼睛,你的灵魂被无辜者的鲜血玷污了,感受他们的痛苦吧!Now look in my eyes, your soul has been tarnish by the blood of innocent people, feel their pain!

“我们有我们引以自豪的名誉,但绝不能为了急于赚钱就玷污了它,”他说。"We have a proud reputation, but mustn't tarnish it for the sake of making a quick buck, " he said.

蕴含SE复合物,能消除肌肤松弛、细纹及晦暗等肌肤烦恼。It includes SE compound can dispel the skin annoyance of skin looseness , lines on face and tarnish.

但是,一些豪华车销售商说,司机素质太低,可能有损他们销售的汽车的形象。But some luxury-car sellers say that poorly trained chauffeurs can tarnish the image they want to sell.

在白金戒指并不有损如果你有敏感的皮肤,这种金属是低过敏性。The platinum in the ring does not tarnish and if you have sensitive skin, this metal is hypoallergenic.

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美国所遭受最严重的损失可能是无形的──美国经济模式蒙受的羞辱。The hardest part of the problem may be the intangible part -- the tarnish on the American economic model.

作为一个使奥运光环黯然失色的城市,盐湖城也许会遗臭万年。Salt Lake City may forever be remembered as the city that helped tarnish the golden halos of the Olympic Rings.

代理商无法与品牌的运营管理标准或人力保准匹配,也会使品牌形象暗淡。Agents may not match the brand’s standards of operations management or HR, which too will tarnish the brand image.