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贝尔从小讲立陶宛语和俄罗斯语。Bell grew up speaking Lithuanian and Russian.

通用俄语和立陶宛语。Russian and Lithuanian are also widely spoken.

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它败于波兰和立陶宛士绅。She was beaten by the Polish and Lithuanian gentry.

谁是金氏?-一个优秀的立陶宛精神病医生。Who's Goldfield? -A brilliant Lithuanian psychiatrist.

这是立陶宛昆虫学学会的网站。This is the website for Lithuanian Entomological Society.

它的观测网覆盖整个立陶宛。Its observational network covers all Lithuanian territory.

立陶宛的官员们也参与了这次“国香”推广活动。Lithuanian officials also participated in the "national incense" promotion.

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同日,李肇星还与立陶宛外长瓦廖尼斯举行了会谈。On the same day, Li also held talks with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Antanas Valionis.

她也已经在利用她的位置指出对立陶宛政府的批评。She has also used her position to make pointed criticisms of the Lithuanian government.

但是她好像不像惯常在立陶宛的政治家那样愿意分享热情的亚特兰大主义。But she does not seem to share the fervent Atlanticism usual among Lithuanian politicians.

立陶宛当局能否立得住脚完全取决于苏军是否呆在兵营里不出来。The Lithuanian authorities' power was dependent on the Soviet military staying in their barracks.

“警察”师奉命跟随前进,肃清在立陶宛森林中的红军。The Totenkopf Division was ordered to follow behind and mop up Red Army stragglers in Lithuanian forests.

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防长甚至空运了20小瓶香水到阿富汗,送给立陶宛籍士兵,让他们不忘故国。The defence minister even flew 20 vials out to Afghanistan to give Lithuanian soldiers a reminder of home.

1983年出生,立陶宛棋手,拥有女子和男子国际特级大师称号。Viktorija Cmilyte was born on Aug. 6 1983. She is a Lithuanian chess player with the titles of WGM and GM.

然而,数千辆笨重的补给运输马车此时正在立陶宛潮湿泥泞的秋季中挣扎。However, the lumbering supply train of thousands of wagons was now struggling through a wet Lithuanian autumn.

立陶宛轻骑兵攻击过分伸张的莫斯科人的战线中央,企图分割他们。The lithuanian light horse attacked the overstretched center of the muscovite lines in an attempt to split them.

在立陶宛“自卫军”押解下的犹太人妇女儿童队伍,立陶宛,1941年。The column of Jewish women and children under the escort of Lithuanian "self-defense". 1941. Lithuania, the USSR.

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于世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站以及立陶宛人对抗古修顿骑士的据点。Founded in the th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights.

立陶宛加入天主教,在30回合的时候将会触发这个事件。Lithuanian conversion to Catholicism added. The event counter will trigger the first offer to occur around turn 30.

他还提到了他的姥姥对他人生的重要影响。他的姥姥是一位立陶宛移民,她激发了恩德桑乔对古典钢琴的兴趣。He also cites his maternal grandmother, a Lithuanian immigrant who inspired his love of classical piano, as a major influence in his life.