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注意打了下划线的有效性错误。Note the underlining of the validity error.

保持红色不变,但去除下划线和悬浮状态。Keep the red color, but get rid of the underlining and hover state.

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你会改变黑体字方面,可能使用斜体或下划线?Would you change the boldface terms, perhaps using italic or underlining?

总结目前热风炉炉顶内衬结构及其耐材砌筑方式。The furnace top underlining and refractory building method are introduced.

用三角针法缉缝衬里的边缘至省道缝止法。Catch stitch the edges of the underlining to the stitching lines of any darts.

裁衬布和衬里并粗缝到袖了的反面。Cut the interfacings and underlining and tack them to the wrong side of the sleeve.

炉顶内衬结构是热风炉类型的重要特征。The furnace top underlining construction is important characteristic of hot air furnace.

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“于是我发现龙的象征正是基于山水,”他说。"Then I discovered that the symbol of the dragon is underlining the mountain, " he said.

公之于众的第一条信息强调了开始这本来是一个极为普通的一天。The released messages begin by underlining what an ordinary day it had started out to be.

完成衣服上所有的省道后,把衬里粗缝到及片的反面。Complete any garment darts, and tack the underlining to wrong sides of the garment sections.

在这个案例中,下划线可以清楚地区分主标题和二级标题。网页教学网。In this example, the underlining works well to distinguish article titles from the sub-title.

潘基文强调情况的紧迫性,并向所有肯尼亚人发出了个人呼吁。Underlining the urgency of the matter, the secretary-general issued a personal appeal to all Kenyans.

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如果你准确地描述突出的情绪,你可以更好地处理你的情感。Once you pinpoint the underlining emotions, you can work on better ways for dealing with your feelings.

他通常强调他的字英汉字典,其余的他在小组会谈。He is usually underlining words in his English-Chinese dictionary, while the rest of the group talks around him.

他也曾在坚持保护民权的同时,反对用校车运送学生的方式实现学校种族融合。He also opposed busing to achieve racial integration of schools while underlining his commitment to civil rights.

为这样的事实打下基础也是很有价值的,我正在做的,是将一系列的论证串联起来It's probably also worth underlining the fact that what I've really been doing is running through a series of arguments.

苏州绕城高速公路因山体滑坡造成路基、路面基层破坏。Destruction is caused by landslides to the roadbeds and the underlining parts of the ring expressway surface of Suzhou City.

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用粗体和缩进等方式突出你的技能和特点。Highlight your skills and attributes in bold or indent them with bullets. Underlining isn’t as effective or clear, so avoid it.

政府承诺会向农民、渔民和计程车司机等弱势群体提供补贴。Underlining the sensitivities, the government pledged to subsidize vulnerable groups such as farmers, fishermen and taxi drivers.

主攻方针市场,首套硬币将鄙人周到场于芝加哥进行的美国钱币协会展览。Underlining the target market, the first issue goes on display at the American Numismatics Associations show in Chicago next week.