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爷爷真是老当益壮。Grandpa is old but hale.

黑尔医生在医院里等待出诊。Dr. Hale is on call at the hospital.

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老人的身体还挺硬棒。The old man is still hale and hearty.

我是“哈尔及哈迪食品公司”的哈维贾德。It’s Harvey Judd from Hale and Hearty here.

以天文学家乔治·勒里·黑尔的名字命名。It was named after astronomer George Ellery Hale.

它以天文学家赫尔命名。It was named after astronomer George Ellery Hale.

现年77岁的郭佩珍,精神矍铄。Kwok Pui Chun, now 77 years old, hale and hearty.

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那个硬朗矍铄的人就给归入老人的行列了。The hale and hearty man is counted among the old.

他后悔撒谎说LJ在他们的手中。Hale regrets lying about having LJ in their possession.

我崇敬黑尔。博格斯,我真希望那天我们睡过了头。I admired Hale Boggs and wished we'd overslept that day.

我这里提到它是因为戴维·黑尔把我卷入其中,。I mention it here because David Hale dragged me into it.

尽管巴金先生已经95岁了,但他仍然精神矍铄。Although 95 years old, Mr. Ba Jin is still hale and hearty.

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Hale和Kellerman的轿车慢慢开到一个僻静的空旷地。Hale and Kellerman’s sedan creeps into a secluded clearing.

1940年,克莱拉·黑尔,面临了她生命中嘴悲惨的事情。In 1940, Clara Hale faced the most tragic thing in her life.

那是爱德华和艾美特·卡伦兄弟,还有罗莎莉和贾斯帕·黑尔姐弟。That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale.

我费了半个小时的工夫才把那只重箱子拖到楼下。It took me half an hour to hale the heavy box down the stairs.

Hale将她拖进了树林,扔在地上。Hale drags Leticia into the woods and forces her to the ground.

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被吉尼斯世界纪录确定为世界最年长老翁的美国人弗雷德·黑尔11月19日在美国锡拉库扎的家中去世,享年113岁。Fred Hale Sr., documented as the world's oldest man, died Friday.

两个女人目光对视了一会儿。黑尔先生从外面的门进了来。The women 's eyes meet for an instant. Enter Mr. Hale from outer door.

一个叫威廉·黑尔的美国人,在1846年组装了一枚经过大大改进的火箭。An American, William Hale , assembled a vastly improved rocket in 1846.