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现场压力表应通常是波登管或波纹管型。Pressure gauges shall generally be bourdon tube or bellows type.

哪种类型的管系中应考虑到波登效应?。What kind of piping system should the Bourdon effect be considered to?

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弹簧是如此渴望回到舞台上,他简直是异想天开。Bourdon is so eager to get back to the stage he is literally dreaming about it.

该仪表由控制系统和指示系统两部分组成,分别由独立的弹簧管带动。Instrument is made up of control indication system, which are lead by separate bourdon tube.

该仪表由控制系统和指示系统两部分组成,分别由独立的弹簧管带动。Instrument is made up of control and indication system, which are lead by separate bourdon tube.

用布氏压力计研究不同溶剂对溶液中RDX热分解的影响。Effect of different solvents on thermal decomposition of RDX was studied by using special Bourdon manometer.

日,在海地太子港,一具遇难妇女尸体被压在废墟下。The body of a woman is trapped under a collapsed building in Bourdon in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Jan. 18, 2010.

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压力源通过两个独立但相配的波尔登压力计加以测试,该压力计安装于铝合金箱中。These pressure sources are measured by two independent but matched Bourdon tubes, housed within an aluminum case.

从布尔东林荫大道到奥斯特里茨桥,人声鼓噪有如海潮咆哮,人群动荡起来了。From the Boulevard Bourdon to the bridge of Austerlitz one of those clamors which resemble billows stirred the multitude.

在机械装置和波登管之间安装了双金属元件,用来补偿外壳内环境温度波动的影响。A bimetallic element is fitted between the movement and Bourdon tube to compensate for fluctuations of ambient temperature at the case.

波登管的压力比例塑性变形通过摩擦力很小的机械装置传递给刃形指针。The pressure proportional elastic deformation of this bourdon tube is transmitted through a low friction movement to the knife edge pointer.

提出了一种基于CCD成像和计算机图像处理技术的C型弹簧管弹性特性测量新方法。A novel method for measuring the elastic characteristics of a C-type Bourdon tube, based on CCD imaging and image-processing technologies, is presented and demonstrated.

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该传感器由光纤环和C形弹簧管复合而成,并配有完善的处理电路及微机测控系统,实用性强。The sensor consists of optic fiber ring and C type bourdon tube. It is equipped with a processing circuit and a microcomputer control system, so it has a strong adaptability.