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完整的用户文档与规范的指南Complete user documentation & Prescriptive Tutorials

其他文化不使用这样说明性的记谱法Other cultures don't use this type of prescriptive notation.

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但是教育真的可以被那样一板一眼地筹划吗?But can education ever be mapped out in such prescriptive terms?

它们是一些特别的行为和活动,是被规定好了的。They are specific behaviours and activities. They are prescriptive.

其次,实践于其是解释性的倒不如是命令性的。Secondly, the practice should be descriptive rather than prescriptive.

长期以来,翻译研究一直是以原文为中心的规定性的研究。For a long period in history, translation approach is prescriptive and source-text oriented.

它采用说明性的手段,证明组织将会采取这样的活动。It takes a prescriptive approach, and documents activities that organizations should be doing.

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不过,我们并不规定什么是优秀的应用程序设计。For clarity, our intent is not to be prescriptive in terms of what constitutes good app design.

现在,我想暂时放下基于经验的后一个问题,集中讨论属于规范性的头一个问题。For now, I want to park the second, empirical question and focus on the first, prescriptive one.

在构建基于SOA的企业应用方面,SCA提供了一组约定俗成的规范。SCA provides a prescriptive set of specifications on how to build SOA-based enterprise applications.

那些刚刚接触建模的读者希望获得高度说明性的指导,以便他们能够快速的入门。Those who are new to modeling want to be given highly prescriptive guidance so they can get going quickly.

所以根据这个定义,“最佳实践”就是一系列与上下文无关的、明确无误的、规定好的活动。So by this definition, Best Practices are a set of context-independent, unambiguous, prescriptive activities.

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但我认为,世行的办法指令性太强,而且实际上是向政府提供一种万能的解决办法。I think, however, the Bank got too prescriptive and, in fact, was presenting a one-size fits all to governments.

卜辞中有四项证据说明殷历确实是一部推步历。However, there are four kinds of inscriptional evidence indicating that Yin calendar indeed is a prescriptive calendar.

需要就“根本性的问题”达成一致,从而制定出无需那么详细及规定性的标准。Agreement needed to be reached on "the fundamentals" so that a less detailed and prescriptive standard could be drawn up.

这种堪称现象的规范教育在拉坎泰拉延续着,足球法则与人生价值在这里精巧互换。This phenomenally prescriptive education is continued at La Cantera, where football principles swap neatly for life values.

长期以来我们多重视外部规定性的、非自我的、被动遵守的规范道德,这只是教师道德发展的基础境界。For a long time, we passively obey prescriptive norm-orientated ethics, which is just a fundamental state of teacher ethics.

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安全政策执行的首要策略,更有可能是通过一个约定俗成的过程来开发的。The practical strategy for a security implementation is much more likely to be developed through a more prescriptive process.

他描述了几种规范的推荐纲要,为企业实现数据集成提供了整体的解决方案。He outlines several prescriptive recommendations providing a holistic solution to a data integration problem for an enterprise

在本系列文章中,我们都将使用此菜谱来提供有关开发服务的规定性指南。We will use this recipe through the rest of this series of articles to provide prescriptive guidance on how to develop services.