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我看见他一直在广场附近闲荡。I saw him sticking by the square.

从土块里还伸出来一只鞋。Sticking out of the clod is a shoe.

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你有这样的困扰吗,一缕头发总是高高翘起。Got a tuft that's always sticking up?

这就是我的故事,并且我一直在坚持。That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

他看到一把匕首插在他汽车的轮胎上。He saw a dagger sticking in his car's tyre.

在钻杆上作卡点记号了吗?Is the drill pipe marked for sticking point.

我们整个班级的同学都在吐舌头!My whole class is sticking out their tongues!

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的产品定位非常好,并且通过免费软件的概念粘滞了大批的用户。its products, and it is sticking with the free

我想用些橡皮膏贴在后脚跟上。I want some sticking plaster to put on my heel.

我只是没有像以前那样对你死缠烂打。I'm just not sticking to you like I did before.

哦,我说,那我就是要把羽毛沾在屁股上。Oh, I say, so I'm sticking feathers up my butt.

但是要战胜这些,坚持下来,But it's overcoming that and just sticking to it

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朵朵小白花点缀在她的发间。Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair.

但是我没有改变想法,我仍然坚持这么做。But I haven't changed my mind. I'm sticking to it.

他们为什么老是说这种陈旧的废话?Why are they sticking with this age-old horseshit?

刺杀时过晕也是起因。Also caused by excessive stunning to sticking time.

维护本国自身利益是很正当的。Sticking up for national self-interest is no crime.

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但是人类制造的灾害被证明才是关键点。But manmade disasters proved to be the sticking point.

现在我们拿这个法向量向上的圆盘。Now take your disk with its normal vector sticking up.

他说政府仍在抱残守缺。The Government, he said, were sticking to stale ideas.