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用第二手消息来源。Dealing with second-hand sources.

该部分的费用与915的做法一样。The same way as dealing with 915.

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你这是在跟一个土著人打交道。You're dealing with an aborigine.

我没有搞过任何政治交易。I disclaim any dealing in politics.

您是否在处理遗留设备?Are you dealing with legacy equipment?

他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。His fair dealing earned our confidence.

他们也不想想自己在和谁打交道?Who do they think they’re dealing with?

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他做事情就是一根筋,不灵活。He is inflexible in dealing with things.

他以真诚待人而著称。He is well known for his honest dealing.

这是一个不知道如何更好的处理话题的标志。A sign on not dealing well on the subject.

处理特定于组件的属性Dealing with component-specific properties

延缓还是处理——对待抑郁症Staving off — or dealing with — depression

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当心哪,你是在和一个强盗打交道。Be careful.You are dealing with a gangster.

他写了一本书,谈的是在日本的生活情况。He wrote a book dealing with life in Jatan.

我很高兴看见中国与巴基斯坦交易。I'm happy that china is dealing with pakis.

嘿,你在处理女孩问题上是专家。Hey, you are expert in dealing girl affairs.

无商业行为和商业目的。Non-business dealing and business objective.

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在编译器层次处理可重用性Dealing with reentrancy at the compiler level

正大灼烁者,说到的多,做到的少。Plain dealing is praised more than practiced.

这一安排有点不诚实经营的味道。This arrangement smacks of dishonest dealing.