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记录和监视。Logging and monitoring.

巴布亚岛砍伐森林清整土地Logging for Land Clearing in Papua

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已完钻,准备电测。Finished drilling, prepare logging.

新的登陆账号时开门声音。New sound when logging into pvp. net.

日志——用于审核、测量等等Logging -- for auditing, metering, etc.

杰希静静地沿着伐木路快步走去。Jesse moved quietly up the logging road.

具有集中的日志记录和安全性。To have centralized logging and security.

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日志类型,循环或存档。Logging type, either circular or archived.

关闭日志功能最好的方法是什么?What is the best way to deactivate logging?

在这种情况下,您可以使用循环日志记录。In this case you could use circular logging.

使用任何日志框架创建国际化消息日志Log i18n messages using any logging framework.

这一地区已为伐木和火灾所改变。This area has been altered by logging and fires.

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大家都心知肚明,欧文斯夫妇是在反对伐木业。Everybody sort of knew they were against logging.

自然电位测井方法以往仅应用于裸眼井中。SP logging method was only used in the open hole.

这是通过配置logging.properties文件完成的。This is done through the file.

内置的跟踪数据库活动日志。Built-in logging for tracking database activities.

将日志API从commons-logging切换到slf4jSwitched logging API from commons-logging to slf4j

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日志的容错性和可靠性Fault tolerance and reliability issues with logging

地球物理测井是其重要组成部分。Geophysical logging is the basic component of CCSD.

RMT具有多种测量模式,应用范围广。RMT has various logging modes for wide applications.