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使用可再生能源。Swtich to renewable sources of energy.

中国拟设立可再生能源发展基金。China mulls renewable energy development fund.

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再生颗粒产品溢满辽宁。Particles of renewable products Yiman Liaoning.

应该是有关可再生能源方面的政策制定吧。I think, so potentially around renewable energy.

推动再生能源的力道松懈了.The push toward renewable fuels has been lessened.

使用来自可再生资源的电力。Use electricity that comes from renewable resources.

当转子转动时,便产生可再生能源。When the rotor spins, it generates renewable energy.

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快速轨道批准新的可再生能源植物。Fast-tracks approval for new renewable energy plants.

像可再生能源标准,或效能规则。Like the renewable energy standard. Or efficiency rules.

我们必须将化石能源视为不可再生的能源。We must consider fossil fuels as non renewable recources.

但是可再生能源的技术障碍正在出现。But technical obstacles to renewable energy are popping up.

与石油不同,麻疯树油是可再生和生物可降解的。Unlike petroleum, jatropha oil is renewable and biodegradable.

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同时,并非所有的能源再生计画都能达成「抵消」目的。Also, not all renewable energy projects constitute an "offset."

理想的是,在厄瓜多尔,我们只使用可再生能源。In an ideal world we would only use renewable energy in Ecuador.

商标的续展注册次数应系无限次。The registration of a trademark shall be renewable indefinitely.

水虽然是可再生资源,但我们仍然需要节约使用。Though water is a renewable resource, we should still economize.

他补充说,“大脑是我们所拥有的唯一可再生能源”。“The brain is the only renewable energy that we have,” he added.

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在欧洲,联合王国是最具备可再生能源潜能的国家之一。The UK has one of the best renewable energy potentials in Europe.

大麻是一种天然的可再生资源,有利于生态环境。The hemp plant is a natural, renewable and eco-friendly resource.

我们正在制定一个发展可再生能源的计划。We are now formulating a plan for development of renewable energy.