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“邓普利顿是谁?”阿拉伯夫人又问。"Who is Templeton?" asked Mrs. Arable.

阿瑞博先生就把纸板箱放在了芬的座位上。Arable set the carton down at Fern's place.

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这么多新的可耕地显然不存在。That much new, arable earth simply does not exist.

房地产会吞噬所有可耕种土地。Real estate would have gobbled all the arable land.

“她带来一位客人共进早餐,”阿拉布尔太太说。“She's got a guest for breakfast,” said Mrs.Arable.

你知道什么每年有多少土地荒漠化吗?。Do you know how much arable land has been desolated ?

阿拉布尔先生不愿意再养它。Mr Arable was not wiling to provide for him any longer.

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阿拉布尔太太找出了一个婴儿用的奶瓶和奶嘴。Mrs.Arable found a baby's nursing bottle and a rubber nipple.

“不行啦,我只把猪送给早起的人,”阿拉布尔先生说。“No, I only distribute pigs to early risers,” said Mr.Arable.

阿拉布尔太太找出了一个婴儿用的奶瓶和奶嘴。Mrs. Arable found a baby's nursing bottle and a rubber nipple.

阿瑞博太太找到了一个婴儿奶瓶和一个橡胶奶嘴。Mrs. Arable found a baby's nursing bottle and a rubber nipple.

二耕地散碎不利于扩大农场经营规模或应用机械耕作者。The arable land not suitable for expanding or for mechanizing.

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“不能,我只把猪分给早起的孩子,”阿瑞博先生说道。"No, I only distribute pigs to early risers, " said Mr. Arable.

接着阿瑞博太太开始抱怨了,于是他被转移到柴房里一个更大的盒子里。Arable complained, he was moved to a bigger box in the woodshed.

一耕地丘形不适于农事工作或不利于灌溉、排水者。The arable land not suitable for farming, irrigation, and drainage.

对地方政府而言,可耕种土地上的建筑常常可以带来可观利润。For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner.

到目前为止,超过8千万公顷可耕地已经受到影响。So far, more than 80-million hectares of arable land have been affected.

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远处有一片“翡古萨”森林,这才打破了尽是农田所造成的极单调的气氛。Further on, the wood of Ficuzza broke the savage monotony of arable plain.

目前是时候去勘探各种金属矿藏及开发耕地以种植小麦、大豆、水稻。Time to go exploring for metals and arable land to grow wheat, soybeans, rice.

后来阿拉布尔太太说话了,它就给搬到板棚里,换了一个大一点的箱子。Then, when Mrs. Arable complained, he was moved to a bigger box in the woodshed.