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多倒运的一天。What a crummy day.

多倒运的一天。What"s a crummy day."

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预约当天,我很不愉快。The day of my appointment, I was feeling crummy.

就好像那样做可以让一切肮脏的事情变得甜美。As if that makes all the crummy things in life any sweeter.

觉知就是见山是山,无论是究竟的实相还是肮脏的垃圾。Awareness of whatever is there, be it supreme truth or crummy trash.

新兴市场股市今年原本就相当不景气,本周更是陷入低潮。It's a culmination of a pretty crummy year for emerging market stocks.

所以感谢你为了让交易完成而拿走我们微不足道的三垒新秀。So thank you for taking our crummy third-base prospect in order to get the deal done.

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我们也知道我们微不足道的三垒新秀将不足以让交易成交。And we knew that our crummy third base prospect wouldn't be enough to get the deal done.

但千万别叫它上网本,那是乔布斯特别抨击为劣质的折衷物的一类东西。But don’t call it a netbook, a category Jobs went out of his way to trash as a crummy compromise.

也许是老板不好、同事糟糕、工作条件差导致你辞职——但是你可不想在面试中提及这些。A bad boss, crummy coworkers, or poor working conditions may have led you to walk away -- but you don't want to reveal that in an interview.

对,我确实很难过爸爸,你一个c-使我想起了,从前不学习成绩很差的日子。Oh, oh, right. You better believe I'm upset dad. You know this C minus really makes me miss the days when I never studied and got crummy grades.

相反,如果你得到的信息来源于大众媒体,例如医生发生了治疗不当发生而引起的索赔,它也不会对你区分好医生和那些庸医有任何实质性的帮助。Turns out that the public information you can get, such as malpractice claims, doesn't really help separate the great doctors from the crummy ones.

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他们见面的最好时机就是每周去一次公共泳池,其间他们会偷偷去一家低劣的汽车旅馆偷情。The lovers’ best chances to meet are during his once-a-week visits to a public swimming pool, during which they adjourn for trysts in a crummy motel.

我就是那种牢牢抱住这种情感不放,而同时又试着冲破那些关于他人及自己的肮脏的想法。I am a one-man wrestling extravaganza clinging onto these feelings while simultaneously attempting to break free of the crummy thoughts about others and myself.

这是因为它是,与积分路径有关的,因此这里的积分值,取决于从一端到二端的,具体路径。The reason for inexact doesn't mean it's a crummy measurement, t means that it's path dependent, and so the value of this integral depends on how you get from one to two.