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国际盛装舞步的受欢迎程度一直以来有增无减。The growth in popularity of international dressage has been dynamic.

由于第一次演讲的目的是提供知识,我讨论的是花式骑术表演的骑术。For my first speech to inform, I talked about the equestrian art of dressage.

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在舞步比赛中,裁判会对扭曲的步伐进行罚分。In dressage competitions, the judges deduct a fair number of points for crookedness.

在国际马协的所有马场马术比赛的测验中都必须双手持缰。Riding with both hands is obligatory in the test at all International Dressage Events.

骑者学习花式骑术训练和跳跃运动,也可以在乡村骑马慢行。Riders take lessons in dressage and jumping, and can also ride through the countryside.

只有瑞士的驯马队因为顾虑到天气情况退出比赛。Only the Swiss dressage team pulled out because of concerns about the weather conditions.

他们生活完全以盛装舞步为中心,其他所有的事都要退居其次。The professional's life centers wholly on dressage and everything else takes second place.

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丘莉莉参加2006年亚运会,她是香港马术训练队的资深成员。The senior member of Hong Kong's equestrian dressage team at the 2006 Asian Games was LILY CHIU XI-LO.

教官是一些世界上最好的马术选手,谁可以就任何一级的经验教训。The instructors are some of the finest dressage riders in the world, who can give lessons on any level.

金均燮所在的南韩队夺得了盛装舞步团体赛金牌,中国和马来西亚分获银牌和铜牌。Kim was part of the ROK team that claimed the equestrian team dressage title ahead of China and Malaysia.

马场马术的目的,是藉由合谐的教育以发展马匹成为快乐的运动员。The object of Dressage is the development of the horse into a happy athlete through harmonious education.

许多世界最顶级的盛装舞步马匹都是在拍卖会上售出开始他们的事业。Many of the world's greatest dressage horses started their career being sold through a breed society auction.

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驯马和跳栏项目将在马术俱乐部的沙田马场举行,那里靠近大陆边界。Dressage and jumping events will be held in the Jockey Club's Sha Tin race course, close to the border with mainland China.

如果你是一名或者希望成为一名选手,那么你应该认识到盛装舞步的训练方法贯穿于我们对马做的任何事情当中。If you are an eventer, or want to become one, then you have to realize that dressage permeates everything we do with horses.

盛装舞步鞍约在自适应学习马术项目经理从一骑在这个自由运动和娱乐视频马。Learn about dressage saddles in adaptive horse riding from an equestrian program manager in this free sports and recreation video.

在花式骑马训练课程中,我的爱马失足摔倒,因为惊恐突然立起,霎那间我就被抛到了一面墙上。During a dressage lesson, my beloved horse tripped, fell down, panicked, jumped up and launched me into a wall all in a matter of seconds.

生活在德国的Hoketsu在三十多岁时从马术跳栏转到身体需求较低的花式马术表演。20年前被选入日本队参加首尔奥运会。The German-based Hoketsu, who switched from show jumping to the less physically demanding dressage in his 30s, was selected for Japan's team for the Seoul Games 20 years ago.

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盛装舞步比赛是对每一组合的水平,马的品种和性情,骑手骑术,和训练技巧的考验。其中,训练技巧最为重要。Dressage competition is a test of a combination of qualities, type of horse, temperament of horse, and skill of riding but perhaps, most important of all, the skill of training.