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徒步走在玛雅废墟上。Hiked a Mayan ruin.

不要华侈你的生命。Don't ruin your life.

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他堕落是因为好赌。Gambling was his ruin.

会弄坏鞋子的!You'll ruin your shoes!

这楼已破败不堪。The building is now a ruin.

战争造成苦难和毁坏。War breeds misery and ruin.

正面临着毁灭的威胁。Ruin now stares in the face.

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座垫疼痛,可以毁灭一坐。A saddle sore can ruin a ride.

这儿是迎宾彩池。Here is the ruin of Luohan Hall.

不要这样糟蹋了一个完美夜晚的记忆。Don’t ruin a perfectly good night.

有些隐匿着家道没落的恐惧。Some hide fears of financial ruin.

这就是他的都城变成废墟的原因。That caused the ruin of his capital.

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水一冲,随即倒塌了,并且那房子坏得很大。And the ruin of that house was great.

是荒淫无度,伤害了自己的身体?Did your incontinence ruin your body?

他幸灾乐祸地看着他对手的败落。He gloated over the ruin of his rival.

不公正比全面毁灭来得好。Injustice is preferable to total ruin.

他的急燥卤莽最终导致了他的毁灭。His rashness led ultimately to his ruin.

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不要冷眼旁观看着你的朋友堕落。Never gloat over the ruin of your friend.

沉迷和被迫做某事都会毁了原本好的生活。Addictions and compulsions can ruin lives.

失眠症甚至操纵破坏我的性生活。Insomnia even manages to ruin my sex life.